Chapter 4

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" But mommy , it's a great environment for him to be in . He tells me all the time he doesn't have any friends at his school " I pleaded with her while she buzzed around the kitchen making dinner .

" Mi nuh know why yuh even get di likkle boy involved in alla dat foolishness " She said getting irritated with her thick accent .

" It's not foolishness . It's a program that keeps younger boys out of trouble & involved in fun , positive activities . He had so much fun ! " I hoped Kade wasn't listening to any of this . His feelings would be so hurt if he wasn't allowed to go back anymore .

" And wha dem a do ? Dem pick up trash ? Mow di lawn ? Wash people car ? No , dem a sit in di yaad & play all day when he could be inna di house focusing on him schoolwork " She was reaching that level of irritation where she wasn't gonna budge . But the older I get , the less patience I have for that behavior .

" Really mom ? Not everything is about books & studying . He's frickin 5 years old . What's he gonna study ? Colors ? " I sneered .

She drew her hand back & back handed me making me hold my lip .

" Gwan to ya room " She said finally reaching her limit .

There was only so much reasoning you could do with mommy before she snaps . She was definitely an old school jamaican woman raising two 21st century kids in america . I stomped to my room but knew better than to slam my door so I just laid down , pouting in my room .

I mean there's only so much she can do right ? She works all day & I'm watching Kade 24/7 . I really didn't want to stop taking him because he's never had this much fun doing anything . Nothing illegal . Nothing harmful . Everything positive .

I angrily opened my laptop hoping I could bust out some homework real quick . I began typing the night away when I was interrupted by a ding .

You up - East

I bit my lip cracking my knuckles as I read his message . Man up Karina . It's just a message .



Well yeah obviously if I'm responding ;)

Well yeah obviously


Ugh I slammed my laptop closed getting frustrated with myself . I mean it was kind of him to figure out my email just to speak to me . The least I could do was figure out one simple response to his email .

I opened my laptop



To take my mind of the nervousness I began working on what needed to be done . Only for him to respond before I could even get in the groove .

Wow ? A response ... must be a blue moon - East

I giggled holding my body pillow close to me thinking of what to respond .

Idk what to say lol .... sorry ?

You straight shorty . You know Kaine is interested in you - East

Interested ? Oh gosh , should I be worried ?

Naah just don't take him seriously - East

The fact that we were emailing each other back to back amazed me . Who does this in our time ?

So how should I take you ?

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