Chapter 3

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"Let's see what we can find shall we?" Cahrles asked as the blue light from cerebro shined onto Charles' face then did its usual

"Welcome Professor" And then opened the doors to which we walked through and to the controls

"The source came from Cairo" hank informed Charles as he put one the newly designed helmet that me and hank made fr Charles so that he would be more comfortable while using cerebro for a long time

"I'll put in the coordinates" I said and started to fumble about with the controls and the blue light from the helmet turned on and everything went darker as the lights dimmed and we were taken to all the humans and mutants in Cairo until we found one person that I didn't expect to see and Charles smiled lightly while I looked at Charles, shocked and I felt a tear go down my eye

"What? What is it?" Hank asked Charles and he looked at me and gently wiped the tear away and gently smiled at me while I had no emotion on my face

"It's her" Charles said hank looked confused

"Who?" He asked and I looked away at Charles' seemingly love struck face

"Moira" I spat and hank looked shocked and now understood why a tear was down my face because I had confined in him about my insecurities regarding moira

"What? Moira mctaggert?" Hank asked and Charles hummed

"Well give me the details" hank said and Charles just looked forward while I put my head in my hands as more tears came down my face

"She looks amazing, she barely aged a day,she's-" Charles started and hank stopped him and then looked at me

"No not that I meant, what is she doing there? What does the CIA have to do with this?" Hank explained and asked Charles and then indicated at me and Charles went to turn around but stopped and then looked at hank again

"She's going back to langly to deliver a report, I'm going to go there, to see if she knows anything about the tremor" Charles explained

"So youre going to see Moira?" Hank asked warily

"I'm going to check her out- I mean check out the situation" Charles stumbled and hank looked shocked and then looked at me while the tears still fell down my face

"It's like a ghost from the past" Charles commented and I looked at Charles and then he turned cerebro off and I went to walk out the room but stopped just before I reach the door

"Charles think about what you are doing, if you wanted to be with Moira you should have just said and I would have left with Erik all those years ago and I wouldn't be near you. Think about who you want and try not to break too much people in the process" I explained and then walked out while sobbing and wiping my tears with my cardigan and walking into the lift and closing it before either hank or Charles could get in but I heard Charles call my name constantly and as soon as the door closed I broke down and just sobbed in my hands and then I walked around the school and into my room and I wanted to leave. To leave all this but I'm thinking about the kids and my true love for Charles and that I trust him. I knew he had left with Alex to see moira an hour after because I could always feel it with Charles and then I walked downstairs to start the day even tbough I had no sleep and then I bumped into someone and then I realised that it was Scott

"Morning Scott" I greeted and he smiled at me

"Good morning Lydia, are you okay. You don't look so good" Scott observed and I smiled and nodded as I noticed that tommy was with him

"Yes I'm good thank you Scott, Its just  haven't really had that much sleep" I lied and he looked at me and noticed he had new glasses and tommy looked at me worried

"Mom, make sure you get some kind of sleep cause you know how you powers can get" tommy warned me and I nodded

"I will, see you later guys and nice glasses Scott" I observed and they both smiled at me as I walked away and I heard Scott shout

"Thank you" as I walk down the hall and then I bumped into hank

"Morning hank" I said timidly

"Morning Lydia" He said and then sighed

"Are you okay from earlier this morning?" He asked and I looked at him and he smiled sympathetically at me and I gave him a look

"Hank just don't" I said and began to walk away while he was following me

"You know Charles loves you more than life itself, he would never give you up for moira" he explained as I walked confidently, my cardigan flowing like a cape and my black, flowery playsuit looked good with my curves and my heels clicked against the floor

"Well what you don't realise hank is that moira and him kissed before I even made an appearance so you can understand that I'm a little-" I started and then stopped everything as soon as I saw who was in the foyer and hank stopped by me also not saying a word

"Raven?" I questioned and she looked at me and smiled brightly and I smiled at her and we ran to each other and engulfed each other in a large hug while hank slowly made his way over

"What on earth are you doing here?" I asked her while I had tears in my eyes and she looked at me and smiled brightly until she saw my face and sighed

"What the bloody hell has he done now?" She questioned and I smiled and laughed a little

"He's gone after moira after something happened in Cairo with her" I explained and she sighed

"My brother is such an idiot, I'll talk some sense into him" she said and I looked at her

"You're the sister-in-law that I never deserved" I said to raven and she smiled and laughed a little

"More like that's the other way round with what I've done" she said and I made a noise with my mouth like a kind of laughing noise

"Oh shut up, you've been saving mutants for the past 10 bloody years" I exclaimed and she laughed at me while hank still stood there and she turned to him

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