Josh Michael Kiszka

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I woke up to the heavy breathing of Josh, and his constant rolling in his sleep. I know that he is tired from all the touring so I wasn't going to wake him. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and head to my closet. I put on some gym leggings and a blue sports bra and my sneakers and head to the gym.

As I drive back from the gym I just kept thinking about what I wanted to make for breakfast. I decided to make eggs and a fruit bowl. I pull into the apartment parking lot and lock my car. When I open up the door to the apartment I see that Joshua is still sleeping. I go straight into the shower. When I got out of the shower I was still hot from the gym so I put on underwear and one of Josh's big Muddy Waters shirts. I pull my hair back and stared at our vinyl collection for 5 minuets before deciding on some Bob Dylan. I get out the pan and the eggs and start cooking for me and Josh. As the eggs are cooking I cut up some fruit. It ain't me started playing and I couldn't help but to sing along. I started dancing, by dancing i mean swaying my hips back and forth and pointing at objects while I sang into the knife I was cutting fruit with. I hear someone start singing with me and I turn around to see Josh in his briefs. He was looking so cute with his bed head and his smile and don't even get me started on his voice. Josh starts inching towards me step by step I feel more and more butterflies in my stomach. Now that our noses are inches from each others all I was thinking about were his lips. The way that they curve and the beautiful color and the lines. Before I knew it his hands were grasping my waist and my arms were hooked around his neck. He slowly starts pulling his face closer to mine. His lips pressed to mine felt like the best thing on earth itself. The way our lips move together so perfectly. He moves his hands to my jaw and slowly starts circling my cheek with his thumb. I start hooking my fingers with his curly hair and slightly pulling. I could tell he wanted more but, I smelt the eggs burning and knew that we needed to save this for a little while. As I start to pull away I could feel his hands slide down to my waist and his grasp tighten. When I finally pull my face away I could see his face turn into a pout. "Why did you stop"

"Im making us food and I could tell its burning so if I could just finish cooking and we could eat"

"Fine but, just know thats my shirt so after we eat your going to have to give it back and give me some love" he said as he smiled and slapped my ass.  

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