Jake Thomas Kiszka

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You and Jake were sitting on the couch in the tour bus watching the office on netflix. Your head was placed on his shoulder and your arm was intertwined in with his. With your hands connected at the end. You fingers interlocked like locks and keys. A perfect fit you would say. The steady pattern of his breathing was like your sound for meditation. It put you at complete ease and serenity. Your eyes when you blinked seemed to stay shut longer and the only time they opened is when Jake moved his left hand to take a sip of his beer. After what seemed to be 5 minutes of your eyes being shut you feel your boyfriend plant kisses all over your face. "Baby come on lets go to our bunk" he said as he placed soft kisses in between each word. "Fine but, only if you read to me" you said as you put a pout onto your face. He agreed and you decided to do the norm before bed like wash your face and brush your teeth and put on some comfy clothes. Tonight is freezing since, Josh likes to sleep cold and blasts the fucking ac. You put on a pair of Jakes sweats and one of his flannels. You climb quietly into your bunk and snuggled up next to Jake. He read only 4 poems before you were out. 

"As the days pass by my mind. Are the wrong, the right, you are my sunshine.And as the night begins to die,We are the morning birds that sing against the sky"  he sang as he lightly strums his guitar. You crawl out of bed and see Jake sitting at the table. You glance at the clock which read 2:00am. "Jake, baby what are you doing up, did i wake you up. You know i could just sleep in the extra bunk its no big deal" you say as you look at the beautiful specimen sitting in front of you. "Y/n if you moved bunks I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. I just was thinking. My mind was just full of negative thoughts thats all." he stated. As he looked away from you, you could see that something wasn't right. You know that Jake isn't one to show emotion but, you needed him to talk to you. "Babe tell me what was on your mind. And if you don't want to talk about it i'll be laying in my own bunk till you tell me" you said. You took the bunk under the one you were previously in and grabbed your pillow. As you lay there thinking about Jake the curtain opens and he rolls into the bunk with you. You lay on top of him and stroke his hair. "I was thinking about us. Y/n i can't risk anything with you, you are my right your my wrong and you are my sunshine. You are everything about me. Without you there is no me. You make me feel loved and cared for, you make me feel like I could do anything. You are the girl that are written in my lyrics, my dream girl. You are the ideal girl i think about when i read poems or write songs. Its you y/n and there is just no way I could be without you".

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