Jake Thomas Kiszka

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"I love you Jake" you say into the phone to you're boyfriend

"I love you more y/n" Jake says back into the phone

You knew he had a show tonight so you didn't want to keep him on the phone too long. He was on tour and you thought that it wouldn't be this hard to have him away. You thought that you guys could facetime and text and call all the time but, it wasn't like that. He hardly has time to talk on the phone with you. All you want to do is just feel him. Just feel his presence and know that he is there for you all the time. You miss his kisses and his hugs and waking up to the sound of him plucking his guitar when he can't sleep. You miss him making you laugh and not feeling stressed because you know that he his there to hold you when you need it. All these emotions just hit you like the bus hit Regina in mean girls. The feeling of sadness and hopelessness and anger. You were angry at yourself for not mentally preparing yourself of not having the love of your life around you 24/7. You were angry at him for not making enough time for you. But you immediately regret thinking that, because you know he can't help it. You just sat there on your bed and shove your face in Jake's pillow and just let the smell of him fill your nose. You start crying and by crying i mean making the Delaware river on your face. You put one of Jake's stones shirt on and put some pj shorts on. You put on a John Denver vinyl on and you flop onto your bed. You pull his shirt over your nose and just think about him. His beautiful face and his heart warming smile- and the tears start again-. You turn up the record player and just ball out your eyes. Suddenly, you feel someones presence hovering over you. You pull down Jakes shirt over your face and you were met with his beautiful face. With tears still flowing out of your eyes you feel your face lifting with the presence of a smile appearing onto your face. Jake immediately smiles and pulls your into him. Your face setting into the crook of his neck and the tears streaming down his neck. "See look, now you don't need my t-shirt to smell me" he said as he pulls your face out of his neck. He puts his hands on your jaw and circle his thumbs on your jaw. You just look up at him and hold onto his wrists that are resting on your face. He kisses you on the forehead then the tip of your nose them your lips. You have never been so excited to kiss someone in your entire life. Jake takes off his shirt and pulls on some sweats and crawls into bed with you. You lay on top of him with your hand under his head. You fell asleep to the comforting feeling or his chest rising and falling knowing you get to spend time with him tomorrow.

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