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Matt's POV

Kirstie had called the whole band over to her house for an emergency band meeting. By that, she had texted us in the group chat telling us to come over immediately. She didn't reply to any of us after that, so we had no idea what this would be about. Knowing Kirstie, it was highly important. She only ever called an emergency band meeting when it was something big.

The four of us arrived at her house one after the other, so we didn't have to wait for anyone else to arrive. I knocked on the front door and we waited for Kirstie to let us in. She was there very quickly and I could see tear tracks on her cheeks when she looked at us.

"Hey guys. Thanks for coming so quickly. Come in." All four of us filtered inside and then went to living room.

"Kirstie?" she snapped her head up and looked at me. "Why can I see tear tracks on your cheeks?" Kirstie wiped her hand across her face quickly and shook her head.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Why did you need us here so fast?" Kevin asked.

"Kirstie, what's going on?" Mitch asked.

The questions flowed one after another which seemed to overwhelm Kirstie. I signalled to them to chill out a bit.

"What is it?" I asked her gently. Kirstie sniffled and then broke down in tears. Without thinking I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her. The four of us engulfed her in a hug, hoping to soothe her enough so she could tell us what was going on. None of us were prepared for what she said when we released from the hug.

"I'm pregnant."

None of us moved or made a sound. I was happy for her, but at that moment I was overcome with shock. It seemed the other three were as well. Kirstie continued to sob as we processed what she had just told us. This was definitely life changing.

"I'm sorry." Kirstie cried. She didn't even bother to try and wipe her tears anymore. Before any of us could move, she ran out of the house leaving us there in our shock.

It was a good 10 minutes before any of us moved again. By then, I had processed what she'd said and also that she's run out of her house with no keys or phone and no shoes on. Kevin realised this at the same time as I did.

"We need to find Kirstie." He said. The four of us jumped in Kevin's car, after locking the house up, and went in search of Kirstie.

We eventually found her an hour and a half later in a park. She was curled up on a very uncomfortable looking bench, still crying. I knelt down to her and ran my hand across her head.

"Shh, it's okay Kirstie." I said gently. She didn't reply, she just wrapped her arms around my neck and cried into my shoulder instead. I picked her up and carried her back to the car, letting her curl up on me as much as she could. She was fully calm by the time we got back to her house.

"Kirstie, why did you run?" Kevin asked, getting straight to the point.

"None of you reacted when I told you. You probably hate me now." She replied.

"That's so far from the truth." Mitch said.

"Yeah, we're happy for you, it just shocked us." Scott added.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes Kirstie. We're here for you and we love you." I said.

"We're sorry we made you feel that way." Kevin said.

"You gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm terrified though." She replied.

"We'll be with you every step of the way." I said.

"Promise?" she asked, looking at me with innocent doe eyes.


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