Hi Baby Girl

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Matt's POV

Tour starts tomorrow. Kirstie is mostly back to herself. I was on the way to pick her up for the next ultrasound, and I couldn't help being a little proud of her. She had gone though a lot in the last few months with the pregnancy, but she was dealing with it. Kirstie's Mum had gone home this morning, as she felt comfortable with leaving Kirstie on her own again.

"Hey Matt." Kirstie said as she got into the car.

"Hey Kirst. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Not too bad. Still getting morning sickness though." She replied.

"Something to bring up with the doctor then." I said.

"Yeah. Hopefully they can give me something to calm it down. I do not want to deal with bad morning sickness on tour."

As we arrived at the doctors, it was nice not worrying about who saw that we were here. The fans knew, so we went straight in without a care. Kirstie's usual doctor greeted us a few minutes after we signed in and it felt like I blinked and then I could see our baby girl on the monitor.

"Everything looks good with your baby girl. She's growing normally, the stress from losing the boy hasn't affected her at all." She said.

"That's good." I said.

"Remember, you need ultrasounds every two weeks instead of once a month. It's nothing terrible, it's just so we can keep a close eye on the girl." She explained.

"Okay. I'll do that on tour." Kirstie said.

"Is there anything you can do about bad morning sickness?" Kirstie asked.

"Is it still really bad?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah. It hasn't really calmed down." Kirstie replied.

"Hmm. Well, there are a couple of anti-nausea medications I can prescribe for you. One per day, must be taken with food, preferably at the same time each day." She said.

"That's fine. I'd really like to not be so sick on tour." Kirstie said.

"Alright, I'll get a prescription for you." The doctor said.

As we were leaving the doctors, I heard a scream come from behind us. We both turned in shock and found two girls a few feet away from us. 

"OH MY GOD! IT'S MATT AND KIRSTIE!" one of them screamed.

"Hi there." I said, smiling at the pair.

"Can we hug you?" the other said.

"Of course." Kirstie said. Both girls moved very quickly, letting out squeals and wrapping their arms around us.

"I'm so excited to meet you. And I can't wait for tour. We're going to see you in less than two weeks." One said.

"Cool. It's going to be a good show." I said.

"EEEEEE, I'm so excited." The other girl said. "Kirstie, can I feel your baby bump?"

"Uhh, sure. Go ahead." Kirstie replied.

The girls gently rested their hands on Kirstie's baby bump and quieted down for a moment.

"That's so cool. I can almost feel her moving around."

"She's going to be so cute."

"Just like her mama." I chimed in. Kirstie shot me a look to say 'shut up'.

"Thank you for letting us do that. See you on tour!"

"No problem. Bye girls!" Kirstie said, waving as they left.

"Those girls were right you know." I said, as I pulled up to Kirstie's house. For the moment, it's our house.

"About what?" she asked.

"The baby is going to be very cute. Just like you." I said. Kirstie smiled and led us inside.

"What do you want for food Kirst?" I asked, heading to the kitchen.

"Uhm... ooh how about, woah!" she cut herself off. I ran over, worried there was another issue.

"What? What's wrong?" Kirstie was sat on the sofa, with a hand on her stomach. She was quiet for a second, and then she looked up at me and smiled. Without any warning, she grabbed my hand and moved it to the same spot she'd just had her hand. I was completely confused. Until suddenly I wasn't.

"Woah! She's kicking." I said, feeling tears coming to my eyes. This felt incredible.

"Yeah, she is." Kirstie said. I knelt down in front of Kirstie and moved as close as possible to her stomach.

"Hi baby girl. I'm your Daddy. I can't wait to meet you. I love you already." I said and then placed a kiss on Kirstie's belly.

"She's going to be so loved by everyone." Kirstie said.

"Yes she is. Mostly by me." I teased.

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