Tour Bus Life

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Kirstie's POV

With all the sickness I've had, my doctor has now recommended that I have scans every week. The meds are working a little, but it's not enough to stop it entirely. I've also discovered a new downside to the pregnancy. My ankles have started swelling. It hurts. Lucky for me, I have the best bandmates ever, so they've been giving me massages and treating me like a queen.

The new restrictive rules have inspired the boys and most of the crew to carry me everywhere. If they have a chance to stop me from being on my feet and carry me to wherever I need to go instead, they'll do it. Most people would find it annoying, but I find it hilarious. Some rumours might start from me be carried all the time, but I don't really care.

We were now over halfway through tour and practically living in the tour bus the whole time. We were moving from city to city so often, that there just wasn't time to stay in hotels. I've reached 25 weeks and the baby is healthy. We still have another month of tour, and I'm starting to miss my bed. I miss my puppies too, but right now all I want is my own bed. Tour bus life is still very fun though.

"Hey Kirst?!" someone called into my dressing room.

"Yeah??" I answered.

"You ready for VIP?" it was Kevin.

"Super Ready. Let's go." I said, about to get up from the sofa.

"Come here." Kevin said, holding his arms out.

"I can walk." I said.

"Yes, but the doctor said a little time on your feet as possible. You're still a small human, so I don't mind. Hop on." He said, offering me a piggyback. Now those I couldn't refuse.

"Here they are!" Scott said, as the pair of us came into the VIP room. The fans were already gathered and smiled as we came in. No one questioned it, they knew why the boys were carrying me everywhere. We went through the normal VIP routine and I was loving this group of fans. It was the moment they had time to give us presents. We don't encourage it, but we're always so grateful.

A group of girls had banded together and got a basket, that was big enough to fit the baby, full of baby things. A few cuddly toys (including a husky), bibs, bottles, and the best thing ever a onesie with the PTX logo on it. I was starting to get excited for the baby to be here. I could dress her in adorable outfits, show her the world and I was definitely going to let her be whoever she wanted to be.

"Thank you so much." I said to the girls, a massive smile finding its way onto my face. "I am definitely putting her in that onesie." A few of the other fans gave me some baby things as well. I'd have to make a list of what I had and what I needed. I'll do it when tour is over. I still have time. Some of the crew took the presents to the bus for us, all of them knowing about the rule of me not carrying anything. I'd never felt more looked after.

After the show, Scott was carrying me back to the bus as I attempted to stay awake. Shows were really starting to drain my energy. Scott put me on the sofa in the back lounge and the rest of the band followed. Dre followed as well.

"Alright, we have new tour dates, but before we set them in stone, Kirstie how much time do you think you'll need? Tour is going to go on hold after this leg is over anyway, but after she's born, how much time off would you like?" Dre asked.

"Uhm, I've not really thought about it." I said honestly. "I know most performers only take a few weeks off..."

"You can have as much time as you want Kirstie. The fans will understand." Mitch said.

"Okay. A couple of months then. Maybe, three months?" I asked hesitantly.

"Are you sure that's going to be enough time?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, should be." I said.

"I can see that you want more than that, but you don't want to ask for it." Kevin said, seeing right through me. "We can spend more time off tour, and just record instead. I'd recommend at least six months off tour. How's that?"

"Okay. Sounds good." I said, yawning after that. Time for bed. I should cherish my sleep whilst I still can. She'll be here before I know it. 

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