New mewni

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Star POV
Mom are you sure? Yes I am moon says. That means your leaving. What about her, you can't keep her locked up in the dungeon, it's been like three years mom!
Moon POV
The women is evil and shall not be queen to mewni only you can my lil princess and Janna, I'm leaving you with that please don't let me down.
River POV
Come on honey let's go, there's a lot to explore in forest we are going to find terrifying habitats come on let's go get some meat bye star and love you. Don't destroy mewni now.
Star POV
mom what's her name and what did she do that was so bad?
Moon POV
Eclipsa Butterfly and she played around with dark magic and fell in loved with a monster and left her royal duties behind. Look we made it this far, we won wars and defeated toffee so don't worry I believe in you. Now goodbye.

Star POV
Was loving someone a crime?

( moon and river left on there quest meanwhile down in the dungeon )

Eclipsa's crystal prison begins to crack and big pieces starts to fall, making loud noises. Janna heard the sound and went down there to check, she goes down to the dungeon and see the crystal prison broken. She immediately calls star.

Star POV
I have to find her and make sure her husband did not escape too.
Janna POV
What did she do that was so bad?
She fell in love with a monster! Star said.
So it's love and me and you are about to get married in a few days, if I was a monster would you arrest me? Plus star they have a little girl who's also being in a crystal prison, they deserve a chance to be a family.
Star POV
You're totally right, love shouldn't be a crime! Once I'm queen I'll let them live with us, I'll be right back.

Star went to find Eclipsa and find a way so her family could be reunited again.

Meanwhile in gravity falls

Mabel POV
Luke I'm worried, I've never heard from dipper and he didn't go to our wedding nor is he coming to when I give birth to my new baby boy. Does he hate me.
Luke POV
Look i know it's been rough the last weeks but we're going to have to move forward with or without him, it's your chance to be happy don't let your brother ruin it.
Mabel POV
Yes, I have to be happy, let's go visit my gruncle's and Wendy. Let's not forget about soos, maybe he'll be at the family reunion.
Luke POV
Maybe and I can talk to him, make sure he is alright.

Luke and Mabel went to bed.

Somewhere In gravity falls, it was cold in the midnight was a freezing boy who had the back against the ice cold garbage can, mason opened his eyes and saw a shadow with long beautiful hair brown like chocolate. All he could do is smile hoping someone could help him.

??? POV
Oh my lord dipper is that you? Are you okay? What happened and why is the blood everywhere. Stay with me dipper everything will be fine I won't let you die on me, oh I can take you to my house.

The mysterious girl carried dipper to her carriage and left gravity falls.

Next morning

Mason (dipper) POV
Where am I, scratch the back of my head wondering what is this place the sheets felt soft and I'm in clothes. But how I remember nick threw me out. I hear a creek and Tried to get up but I fell because of the pain I quickly look around trying to find a way out but it was too late.
??? POV
Oh you're a wake? I'm so glad I thought I lost my friend. Dipper what happen to you and you have change so much since the last time I saw you.
Mason POV
Holy smokes is that you. It's been a long time and I've changed my life and Image but what about you. You look absolutely amazing, That's not my name anymore I go by mason now. 
Marco POV
Yes that's me! Oh sorry didn't mean to make you upset. Mason you don't have to tell me what happen if you don't feel like it but I'm always here for you. I should probably tell you that I'm Engaged to Tom and star and Janna's wedding is coming soon, I would be happy if you show up to them.
Mason POV
I would love it and can you come with me to my family reunion it's like next week, it would make me happy. Sure Marco said.

Meant to be: loving youWhere stories live. Discover now