After party

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Warning ⚠️ mentions of abuse and sexual content.

Star and Janna they got changed and headed towards the car to go to the after party in mewni.

The party

Moon POV
I put you in charge and now I see Eclipsa is out and free with her husband, I'm very disappointed, I thought you were better, look you don't have to worry I'll put them back where they belong.
Star POV
But mom there not evil, Am I not being a good queen, I'm helping everyone, please don't be mad.
Moon sighs softly, I knew you couldn't handle this. Star hears that, and runs the other direction crying her eyes out. Janna was very mad, she walk towards the table and slams her hand down.

Janna POV
I'm king of mewni and I say who can live here, and who can not, it's my choice and right now eclipse and her family is staying I mean living with me and star and we're going to be a big family! If you don't like it then leave!
Moon POV
I will goodbye
Moon and her husband left. Janna also says while her and star are out on there honeymoon that Eclipsa is going to be in charge and she will do great.

Star and Janna headed to home and packed there stuff. They teleported to this Cruise ship and met Janna childhood friend who paid for it all.

Meanwhile in the underworld

Tom Lucitor POV
Mom! We're home
Marcia Diaz POV
It was so beautiful, when are we getting married?
wrathmelior lucitor POV
Well bill said that him and dipper are going to be getting married in the next month, so we're going to have to wait, I told him that Tom and his family will be helping and setting up the wedding, oh yeah for your wedding Marcia I invited your parents.
Marcia Diaz POV
You did what now?? I haven't talk to my parents in years,
Dave POV
The great part is they will be staying with us until there new house in gravity is built!
Marcia Diaz POV
Oh great
Tom lucitor POV
Cool well let's go talk Marcia.
he grabs her hand and goes upstairs and says sorry.

Marcia Diaz POV
No it's okay, I hope there on there best behavior!
Tom lucitor POV
I won't let anything happen to you I promise you.

Mrs. Pines name is Ariel

Back at the pines house or mystery shack.

Mabel POV
There wedding already ended. Mom!
SOS pov
Well I heard bill and dipper and getting married next month.

Ariel POV
Well we should go to there after party and ford is that gun ready.
Ford POV
Yes, with one shot it will turn him into a statue and we're place him in the forest or in town. Maybe we can save dipper!
Mabel POV
Maybe but let's not be friends with him, he can be are maid mom!
Ariel POV
Yes he can, where's your husband Luke at?
Mabel POV
He's visiting his sister Jackie
Ford POV
Isn't she like rivals with dippers friends? Doesn't she have her own kingdom?
Mabel POV
Yah but Luke got banished! I don't know why. Okay are plan is ready to go, we're meet up next week.

Meanwhile in the underwater kingdom

Jackie POV
Luke why are you here!
Luke POV
I want back in, my wife's mom is planning something, she wants revenge against bill cipher and Tom and Marcia are engage, star and Janna are married and on a honeymoon. I want in on what my sisters and brother are doing? I know you want Tom but your gonna have to wait!
Lexi POV
What's are you talking about little brother! How are they gonna take bill down?
Luke POV
I'm not really sure! But I think ford made a gun!
Jackie POV
Mom and dad are coming! Mom misses you so does dad!
Luke POV
Well I have kids, I'm doing great too, I'm sorry I'm not the son or brother y'all wanted but I miss my family and I missed killing with y'all, I can't do that in gravity falls! They have no idea what I am, I need blood god I'm so hungry!
Lexi pov
Then eat brother there are tons of fish everywhere, since I'm queen, you are welcome back!
Rosy POV
Luke is that you! Oh my gosh my son is back, Sam get in here!
Sam pov
Son your here! I missed you!
Luke POV
Miss y'all so much!
Luke and his family talk about there future plans, Luke even visits his older brother and says sorry.

Meant to be: loving youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang