Four weeks later

23 2 0

Warning ⚠️: sexual content, language, abuse.

Wrathmelior Lucitor POV
I'm glad you guys came to witness the young couple, I absolutely love your daughter and she'll make a good queen. Mr. and mrs. Diaz, y'all are going to be staying in this room down the hall.

Rafael and Angie POV
As we can recall the only daughter we have is still in the womb. I'm not really proud my son is making the greatest decisions but your son probably made a mistake!

Wrathmelior lucitor POV
okay......oh my your having a baby girl I'm so happy!
Dave lucitor POV
How can my son make a mistake? You people are...

Dave got cut off my Marcia she sadly heard everything.

Marcia Diaz POV
Dave it's okay, you don't have to argue I know where I stand. Are you sure said Dave. I'm very sure. Hey mom and dad it's been a very long time hasn't it.
They kept staring at me in  disgusted look, I can feel there eyes just looking at me. Then my mom spoke, she asked if tom's parents could leave and they did.

Angie POV
Look at you Marco, you need to be the boy we raise, what happened to Jackie? She was a great girlfriend! But sadly Tom made a big mistake!
Marcia Diaz POV
Mom! Jackie wasn't going to work, I never liked her, Tom loves me and I wish you asshats would to!

Angie shocked at what Marcia said,
Rafael slapped there son in the face, Marcia was on the verge of tears, she stayed strong until....

Rafael POV
Don't you dare talk to your mother like that! You should be shamed of yourself! Ugh I'm so happy that me and your mom will have a better daughter then you ever will be!  Mariposa will not be a disappointment like you are to the family name!

Angie and Rafael went towards there room and unpacked. Marcia cried her eyes out, she couldn't take it, was her parents right, was she a mistake.

Tom lucitor POV
Hey baby I was thinking instead of what should we eat for diner with the parents, Marcia are you okay what's wrong??
Marcia Diaz POV
Nothing wrong.....I'm just happy that's all.
Tom lucitor POV
You think I don't know what's the difference between happy tears and sad ones, your gonna be my wife and I know when your sad, I probably know the reason too, it's your parents huh?
Marcia Diaz POV
They are having a baby girl....that's good Tom said. Yeah but they told me I'm a disappointment to our name?!
Tom lucitor POV
Well they don't have to worry about the last name, you can have mine, and you'll do great things.
Marcia Diaz POV
Tom? Did you make a mistake?
Tom lucitor POV
I can unsure you I make a lot of mistakes and you will never be one! I love you and if didn't have you I would probably be like insanely crazy. Your parents are wrong and very disrespectful to talk to the future queen like that. If anything happens to me. You will be the head of the throne and I trust you with everything cause I love you constantly and always.
Marcia Diaz POV
I love you too, Tom? Yeah he said. I just want my parents to understand before they judge. Do you think tomorrow night we can have the dinner, of course Tom said.

Marcia and Tom cuddle on the couch until they fell asleep .

Down in gravity falls

Bill cipher POV
Dipper are you okay in there, you been in the bathroom for about all day it's midnight well almost.
Dipper cipher POV
Is it happening again, before I jump to conclusions maybe I should test it, yeah okay, few minutes later, dipper picks up the test and screams in joy. He opens the door holding up the test and shoving it in bill's face, what the hell is this? Bill said. It's a pregnancy test, we gonna be fathers!!!!! I don't know what gender but I'm happy! I'm fucking happy.
Bill cipher POV
Father's? Wait me and you are having a baby! Oh my god we're doing it! I know the genders I can feel em, well don't tell me anything wait did you says genders like sss like in terms of two and not one dipper said. Yes pinetree we are going to have twins, if it helps there'll probably won't be demons or have any special abilities, but who fucking cares anymore, come here pinetree and hug me. I love you and are kids.

Meant to be: loving youWhere stories live. Discover now