Chapter 10 - Seperarion At U.S.J.

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Aizawa yells out some orders but I barely pay attention, already thinking of why they could have wanted to attack now.

"They have us isolated..." I see Iida and Kirishima look at me with surprise. "They're stupid for attacking a hero school, but they fully thought this through. The trespaser alarms aren't going off" Todo-kun says

"Quick, Thirteen!" Aizawa jumps down the stairs. "Quick, we must retreat!" Everyone follows Thirteen as they run back towards the entrance.
'Aizawa is also good at fighting like this...'
"Izu-chan, hurry up, we have to leave. Ribbit." I nod and follow Tsu-chan. We catch up to the group, but as we do, someone with a metal neck brace appears before us. 'Wait... where is his body!?'

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. While it may be presumptuous of us, we have invited ourselves in to the home of heroes, U.A. High School, to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." A deep and formal voice says. Everyone seems to bee looking far above the neck brace, leading me to believe that he has a gaseous form I can't sense. 'No one else can see his weakness.' I get ready to hold him with the cement under the tiles. "I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither her nor there. Goodbye." At that I raise my arms to trap his neck brace and Thirteen goes to use her quirk. "What the?" The villain says, but thats when Katsuki and Kirishima launch at him.

I scream at the them "Morons!" then I hear an explosion and Kirishima starts to say something, but I cut him off. "Idiots!! Move away! He's still up and you almost got black holed!!

The two look back at us. "That's right. Even if you are just students, you are excellent golden eggs. My job is to scatter you all. And torture you to death!" Something swishes around me and I grab on to the closest person. "Midoriya-chan!" I wrap an arm around Tsu-chan. Then I feel like we're slowly being moved.

Then I'm falling. I hold onto Tsu-chan tighter and keep myself from freaking out at my lack of sight. "Midoriya-chan, Brace."

We hit water and I let go of Tsu, I can sense things a few feet around me but its all muffled and unclear. I bend the water to push Tsu and myself to the surface, even though she can swim better than anyone.

We found Mineta crying while almost getting attacked by some shark villain, Tsu took care of that guy and grabbed Minoru. Then he groped her. When we got on the boat he was slammed down on the deck with impressive force.

"Are you ok, Midoriya-chan?" I nod, trying to concentrate. All I can sense is the upper deck and outside of the boat. I know there is water, but my sight is saying we're floating in nothing. "I'm just a tad bit blind to anything not in contact with this boat right now." I sit down in a lotus position, trying to calm myself. Tsu crouches near the railing of the boat, and Minoru won't stop pacing.

"This is ok, they can't really think this was a good idea! Once All-Might gets here he'll punch all the bad guys!" He mimics a punching motion. "Minoru-chan, they seem sure that they have something that can defeat All Might, and if All Might shows up who's to say he won't be too late? Ribbit." Tsu says with a grim face. 'Wait, why did they send Tsu here?' My eyes widen slightly as Minoru starts balling his eyes out.

"They don't know our quirks." I mutter out as I lay my non-functioning eyes on Tsu. "Thats why they sent you here, Tsu-chan." She puts her finger on her chin, "That makes sense. Lets talk about our quirks then, ribbit." So thats what we did.

Our plan was set. I would bend a world pool that the villains would be sucked into as Minoru threw his sticky grapes into it, effectively putting the horde, that I was told built up, out of commission and buoyant so they wouldn't drown. Everything was set, but then the boat was cut in two.

"What just did that!?" Tsu gets ready to jump. "A giant ice hand, ribbit. They're getting impatient, Midoriya-Chan." I nod and breathe out softly. I close my dulled eyes and get in a stance that parallels the easy flow of water. I sense the body of water around me as I focus on it, but I don't "see" it just sense. I stir my hands in front of me, focusing on a place in the water all the villains will get sucked in. "What the hell!?" I smirk slightly at that.

"Tsu-chan, Minoru, go now." Tsu leaps into the air and I hear Minoru scream-crying. Scrying. I switch my focus to the metal. While I wasn't anywhere near trained in this element enough I still tried to do a launch pillar. It kinda worked. "Bleh." I feel something, that is obviously Tsu's tongue, wrap around my midsection and drag me closer to the soft sobs of a grape midget. "Good job, ribbit, you guys are awesome."

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