Chapter 11 - Liberation Of U.S.J.

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Tsu let go of me once we reached the shallow water, and I almost cried because I could see properly again. Well at least Minoru seemed to still be a wreck of tears, so he's crying for the both of us.

"We should try to head back to the entrance, ribbit." I nod in agreement, "Our safest bet is trying to go around the central plaza and to one of the side staircases." Minoru sniffles, seeming to calm down finally.

I put my hand on the concrete lip that separates the water from the central plaza, trying to concentrate to see the whole plaza.

I see Aizawa and someone with hands latching onto them run at each other. "Its difficult to see," I can barely hear the mans voice as he grips Aizawa's elbow, "but its whenever your hair falls, it takes a couple seconds before it goes back up. Thats your tell, your hair." Aizawa cringes as his elbow gets eaten away, but he quickly jumps back. The hand man cackles. "This is so fun! I'm not even the final boss, ya know." I can barely sense the beast move before its right behind Aizawa. Aizawa's hair flies up, but the beast just grabs his head and slams him on the ground, twisting his arm with the damaged elbow back. I barely pay attention to the warp person appearing beside hand man.

I'm already launching at the nomu.

I slam into it feet first, making it stumble back. Hand man screams at the nomu to kill me. I raise my hands smoothly and the nomu ceases it movements. I flick my wrist and something snaps within the monster. Its eyes roll back in its head and it falls over. Very stiff.

"Gad damnit!! A child beat Nomu!?" Hand man screams, "HE'S A HACKER!! But its no problem! I'll just leave my mark by killing a couple kids!" He leaps, with his hands out, towards Tsu and Minoru.

He almost touches Tsu, but then he stops. My hand is stretched towards him, I don't know what I'm doing.

It feels right though.

I swing my hand then make a fist, he follows the movements by being flung back next to the warp person then stopping. I smirk overtakes my face, but I feel a slight disconnect. I take control of him with both my hands, using my fingers as if there were strings connecting them to my victim.

He jaggedly moves his hands to his elbows, starting to disintegrate his own joints. He screams in agony and I feel I laugh bubble up into my throat, but why am I laughing?

A large sound rings out behind me, causing me to let go of the villain and feel like I'm in full control again. "DO NOT FEAR. I HAVE ARRIVED." There is a distinct tone in All Might's voice, something akin to anger and determination.

The neck brace guy seems to form somewhat of a body before reaching his hand out towards the hand man. I can only assume his warp mist is being sent towards him. I panic slightly and reach my hand to the hand villain, trying to tap into that feeling to bring the villain away from the reach.

I don't have to, however. A couple explosions sound out and the warp guy almost has a normal body, but not quite, as he is being held down by Katsuki. "NO!! No, how did this happen!?" All Might lands next to me, "Gather the rest of your classmates, you all need to get to the entrance." I nod and walk over to Tsu and Minoru. Partly in a daze over what I had just done. I gesture for them to head to the entrance. "What about Mr. Aizawa, ribbit?" "It would be... better to not move him..." 'I just killed whatever that was, then I manipulated another person's body. I made someone hurt themselves and laughed.'

Another loud noise knocks me from my thoughts, I focus on the plaza and witness as All Might is holding back a very alive Nomu. A now free neck brace man rushes towards hand man, who then raises a hand as if to stop his cohort. All Might and the Nomu start punching it out, many furious blows being dealt. I turn back to the two classmates, "Go, now." Tsu-chan grabs my arm, "Be careful, ribbit." I nod and the two run to the stairs. I look back to the two villains watching the action and reach my hand out. I reach into the emotions I was feeling the first time. Rage was a main one, but also despair and vengefulness. I sense something and grab a hold, only to be launched away from my own perspective.

My fingers become jagged and The hand villains eyes become wide. My arms slowly get pulled inward, and the villain's body slides towards me, "LET GO OF ME!" This prompts the barely body guy to swing towards a rapidly fleeing hand guy and my body. Suddenly the villain is no longer in my grasp, and all the way back next to barely body. A growl escapes my body, and the ground starts to crack around me. "Midoriya-chan." A hand rests on my shoulder and I snap back into my own perspective. "Lets go, ribbit." A couple shots ring out as the Nomu is sent flying, then the two villains disappeared.

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