Snakeway: Finish the Half Million Mile Trek Goku!

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Goku found himself standing in the middle of nowhere. It was unlike anything he'd seen before. Just miles upon miles of yellow clouds on a pink sky. "Hey... where am I?"

Looking around he saw numerous white puffy clouds floating in the air. There seemed to be a short line of them heading into the only building around.

"Well I guess I have to go in there." Pushing his way through the line of clouds he made his way into the room in only a minute.

Goku marveled at the inside for it's sheer size. The room from the outside was deceptively small. On the inside was a massive chamber filled with identical clouds from the outside. An intricate red and yellow design patterned the walls. The dominant feature of the room was a gigantic desk standing at least twenty feet in the air at it's peak.

Goku looked around for a moment and shouted. "Hello is anyone here?!"

"Keep it down! Keep it down."

Goku's eyes widened, sitting behind a desk sat the largest man he'd ever seen. The man was massive, red and had horns coming from his head. Curious, Goku asked. "Who are you?"

"I am King Yemma, Lord of Otherworld."

"What?" Goku said, he had a puzzled look plastered onto his face.

"I'm the one who decides where you go when you die." Yemma explained clearly losing his patience.

"Oh, I remember now..." Goku looked down at the floor. "I'm dead... I'm sorry Gohan, you'll have to be without your father for a year."

Several small blue demons started to chuckle.

"Quiet!" Yemma yelled.

"Can I ask you something?" Goku said as a new thought entered his head.

"What is my boy?"

"Did a guy named Raditz come through here recently?"

"Yeah." Yemma said with a booming laugh. "I sent him down below. He put up a good fight though."

"Wow." Goku exclaimed. "You must be strong!"

"I can hold my own." Yemma replied flexing a bicep quickly. He was secretly enjoying the attention.

"If I could have a minute sir." A new voice spoke from behind Goku.

"Kami?" Goku exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Wait...Oh no! Did you die too! Now we can't use the Dragon Balls to wish me back to fight the Saiyans. Now the earth is doomed."

"Calm yourself Goku." Kami said. "I'm not dead. I'm merely here to speak to King Yemma on your behalf."

Kami turned to face the giant at the desk. "Lord Yemma, I request that Goku be allowed to make the journey down Snakeway to train with King Kai."

"But I want to train with King Yemma." Goku said. "He's really strong."

"King Kai is even stronger than King Yemma." Kami whispered to Goku.

"I heard that." King Yemma grumbled.

Kami turned to King Yemma, his face blue. "I meant no offense your Excellency!"

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