chapter 6

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Juvia POV

Juvia blushed after Natsu~Sama sang Shy. Then Juvia got up and walked to Natsu~Sama. Natsu~Sama pulled Juvia closer then kissed her deeply. Juvia kissed back. "N-Natsu~Sama, that was incredible!!" "thanks, Juv" he responded. Natsu~Sama then picked Juvia up and walked to Juvia's home. Natsu~Sama then put Juvia down when they got to fairy hills and kissed her cheek. "See you Juv I love you." Juvia got a little sad but remembered that no boys could come in fairy hills. Juvia sighed then said goodbye to Natsu~Sama. Juvia then walked in her home exhaustedly. Juvia didn't sleep the night before so Juvia was exhausted. Juvia fell onto her bed then passed out. The next morning she got out of bed and took a shower. After Juvia had a shower she got dressed and made breakfast. "Now Juvia feels better!" she told herself smiling.

Levy POV

I was so sad to see Lu get rejected by Natsu the other day but she has Gray now! She'll get over Natsu fast! Natsu got over Lu ages ago and now he's happy with Juvia. Lu will be happy with Gray. she might not see it yet but she loves Gray. Gray doesn't see that he loves Lu either. They love each other I bet it!

Natsu POV

I got out of bed and had my "meals" as Lucy put it before I rejected her. I couldn't wait to see Juvia! I got dressed and ran to the guild. I met Juvia at the guild and went inside. I then got up and told Juvia I would be back. I went to get her some flowers! I saw Jellal and bought the flowers. I dragged Jellal to the guild while holding the flowers. I pushed Jellal to where Erza was and told him to confess to her. I then walked to Juv and gave her the flowers. "N-Natsu~Sama! For me?" she asked. "Yup! Only for you!" I replied. Juv blushed and thanked me. I yawned because I got up earlier then I'm used to. "Natsu~Sama are you tired?" "only a little Juv I got up earlier then I'm used to" I put my hand on the back of my head and laughed. She pouted "Natsu~Sama tonight you're getting proper sleep!" "oh? And how are you gonna make sure I get sleep?" I responded. She blushed "I'll sleep with you"

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