chapter 14

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Luca POV

I was in my boring class and wondering what Luca Liam and more importantly Isabella was doing. I've had a crush on Isabella since I met her. She's so adorable! Anyway I don't like how Lucas and Liam treat Isabella EXPECIALLY Lucas. He's so rude to her! I feel bad because she has no friends because she's a 'nerd' she just wants to make her parents proud of her that's it not to be a teachers pet. I keep getting high grades and Lucas laughs at me and calls me a teacher's pet. Seriously Lucas, just because we want to get high grades doesn't mean we're a teacher's pet. Anyway after class finished I saw Isabella on her own and went up to talk to her that's when Lucas and Liam walked in front of me. "c'mon Luca let's get away from the NERD" Lucas replied loudly for Isabella to hear. She rolled her eyes. I was going to hit him but I remembered him and Liam are my only friends. 'I'm sorry Isabella, I'll talk to you later' I mouthed to her. She smiled.

Liam POV

I've known for years that Luca has had a crush on Isabella. Lucas knows to and he's pissed. That's why Lucas makes fun of Luca so he would back away from his sister. I'm mad at Lucas HE'S RUINING MY SHIP 0^0. Yes I am a shipper and I'm proud of it! Like Luca I also have a crush but... I'm gay and I don't think Lucas is gay... so I hide my feelings. I already came out to my parents and they accepted me! (his parents are Erza and Jellal's daughter Rin, and sting and yukino's son leo.) I'm in love with Lucas and he doesn't know. Only Luca knows and it's staying that way for a while.

Isabella POV

I smiled at the thought of having a friend finally. But my brother won't like the fact that my first friend is his BFF Luca. I tightly held my books. I'm scared about what my brothers going to do if he finds out that I have a crush on Luca. I sighed and sat down. After my last class I went to my locker and packed my bag. "Hey sis." Lucas replied smirking. "I'm hurrying as fast as I can ok?" "Whatever" he replied still smirking he then pushed my in my locker and locked my lock. "Stay away from my friends Isabella!" I curled in my locker and cried. Than all of a sudden my locker opened and I saw Luca. He reached his hand out "need help?" I nodded. He helped me out and walked me home. I smiled "thanks Luca" "no problem Isabella!" I invited him inside and Lucas' eyes widened. "I didn't invite you Luca and how are you out of your locker Isabella I made sure it was locked!" "WHAT WAS THAT LUCAS!?' my parents screamed. I smirked 'your turn Lucas' I mouthed and dragged Luca to my room.

Navia fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora