chapter 10

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Raindrop POV

I ignored her because I couldn't handle the idea of getting rejected by her. "R-Raindrop?" "hmm?" "w-why are you ignoring me?" she asked. I sighed and told her "I'm not" I wasn't even looking at her then I heard her start to cry. I turned around and hugged her. "I love you Cleste and I was ignoring you because I was scared you would reject me..." she smiled "I love you to Raindrop!" then kissed me. I kissed back. We then made out for ages till our parents came and saw. They all gasped. Gray and Lucy dragged Cleste away and my mom and dad dragged me away. Cleste and I started crying and reached out for each other's hand, we couldn't reach and lost each other. A few weeks went by and I never saw Cleste. I cried that whole week. I was never the same. On the 22nd day of not seeing Cleste I lost all emotion.

Cleste POV

I miss Raindrop she made me smile and laugh. I don't understand why it's a crime to date a girl let alone Raindrop. I love her. 22 days went by that I didn't see Raindrop. I had enough so I packed all my things and ran away to get to Raindrop. When I reached to Raindrops house I saw she was completely emotionless I started to cry. I told her to pack her things were leaving. She packed everything and we left.

Raindrop POV

I followed Cleste with all our things. We both went to a cave and talked for hours. I got all my emotions back when I talked to her. Then it started to rain so we had to stay in the cave. "I forgot to pack food" Cleste laughed. "Don't worry I got some food" We ate then went to sleep. The next morning, we went out because it stopped raining. We played tag for 3 hours then went out for food. We decided to have a hunting competition whoever got the most food wins. 3 hours after we decided to do the competition I went back to the cave. Cleste was waiting for me. "Your late Raindrop" "yeah I know sorry Cleste" I won the competition easily. "Ha Raindrop I win!" "no, it's obvious who won and it was me!" we then argued for hours. "Fine Raindrop you win!" "YAY" we then ate and went to bed. A few weeks went by until our parents found us. "RAINDROP" my parents yelled. "crap they found us Cleste" "yup...." Cleste took my hand then looked down. Our parents yelled at us for running away with each other. "It's your fault for not letting me be with Raindrop!" Cleste yelled. I blushed and looked away.

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