chapter 17

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Author POV
Thisll take me a while but I will make it huge!

Liam POV
The next day I went to school "why is no one here?" "Probably cuz ITS A SATURDAY U IDOT" Shouted Lucas. I rubbed the back of my head "hehehehehehe" "how did you even get in here?" Luca asked. "The gate was wide open...." Lucas face palmed "for SATURDAY SCHOOL U IDIOT!" "sorry" Isabella face palmed. "why am i even here" she asked looking at us "cuz i want my beautiful girlfriend to be with me always!" she giggled "awwww" then all of a sudden i felt a huge amount of pain at the back of my head. i awoke to the sound of laughing. "h-huh?" i looked around i can't see anything its either there's no light in here or i have a blind fold on. "who are you and want do you want!" they laughed "awww Liam~ don't yell at me hunny~" "DONT CALL ME 'HUNNY'" i yelled. "L-Liam?" "LUCA!" (I just realised i haven't put any drama in here really.) i kept  moving around to try to get closer to his voice then i felt something go on my lips. "MMMMPHHHH" they separated. "Liam hunny don't struggle please" they took the blind fold off and i saw a girl that I've never met before sitting on me. "get off!"  i then used my magic on her that pushed her away i broke the rope and ran to Luca. "its ok" he smiled "god i love u" i giggled "love u to" i untied him and grabbed his hands. i smiled. "where's Isabella and Lucas?" "i don't know..." "their still at school rival and Liam~" "what do you want woman?!" she laughed "i want my Liam~" i growled "IM NOT YOURS!" she giggled again. "oh yes u r~~" she then got a sword "don't make me kill ur bf~~" i used my magic on her again "awwww" the sword absorbed it "sorry hunny ur magic won't work~" our eyes widened. "w-what?" she laughed "you should've done your homework~" she replied. "MAYBE THEY DIDNT BUT I DID!" Isabella broke the door down and had the exact same sword. "awwwww little sister came to save the day~" i ran to Luca and grabbed his hand. we both watched as Isabella fought the girl and then Lucas come in and use his magic. (since theres two of the same sword in the same place it cancels each other out so magic can be used) the girl growled. "you might've won this time but i will come back for my Liam~" she then threw a smoke bomb and disappeared. i smiled "yay she's gone!" Lucas and Isabella laughed. "all thanks to my amazing girlfriend~" Lucas replied Isabella blushed "shhhhhhhhhh" she then put her hand on his mouth and he giggled. Luca then walked to me "I'm glad ur still mine~" i blushed "y-yea" i pouted "n-now leave me alone b-baka!" i turned away 

author POV 

sorry if its one POV its still very long i made sure it was 500 words! anyway i hope you enjoyed! have an amazing day/night/evening! goodbye~!

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