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Damn, never thought I'd get tagged. Thank you Yaoifangirl3206 for this wonderful opportunity!

1. Sexuality: panromantic 😊
2. Gender: am cis female
3. Happy?: I am happy with where I currently am in life and I'm very fortunate to have the opportunities I do
4. Last song: I think this means the last song I listened to so that would be 'you should see me in a crown' by Billie Eillish
5. Hair colour: dark brown, I attract all heat
6. Zodiac: Pisces
7. Last person I kissed: I am assuming that kisses when we're like 4 and have no idea what it even is does not count but that's the last one I had.
8. Fav colour: turquoise or black
9. Fav food: HARD QUESTION uuuuuuh Nepalese food? Or Indian, or Italian. Close tie between the three
10. battery %: weird flex but ok, 76%
11. Celeb crush: Tom Holland or Angelina Jouli both are awesome, I mostly crush on fictional characters though
12. Fav vegetable: mushroom, depends on how it's cooked though
13. Eye colour: blue
14. Shoe size: hoe I got no idea🤣 I have shoes from all over the world I don't know which are from where and I don't know how many are my actual foot size🤣 I think the closest would be an 8 but Idk where from
15. Dream job: Teaching, both of my parents teach so I want to follow in their foot steps. I think being a barista would be cool too though, imagine the stories you'd have.

Thanks again for the tag Yaoifangirl3206

I will now tag 20 people
I only follow 17 people, three of which are no longer on Wattpad, and the other was the one who tagged me😐

Also the next chapter will be up soon, I'm working on it now. Hang in there😁

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