Chapter 17

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*Emmanuel Masters' POV*

I walk off in the direction I saw my dad go. I hope he hasn't gone far.

I knew this rock climbing thing was a bad idea, but Nate looked soo happy.

I never would have imagined going rock climbing with my son.

I would have never thought of this. While I could have lost him, Lisa was right, he was alive, I have to appreciate that.

Damn. Was she ever not right?

I went around a clump of trees and bushes and saw my dad standing on the bank of a pond.

I leaned against the trunk of a nearby tree, but pulled away when I felt something rough bite into my flesh.

I looked at the tree. Engraved in the bark was "E + T Best Bros for life"

I was suddenly hit with a heavy dose of nostalgia.

Days of fishing and swimming and pranks filled my mind.

I smiled. Those were the good old days.

Before we had powers and everything swirled into a mass of envy and competition.

I walked up to dad on the pondbank.

"It was the 18th of October, 1984. I rushed your mom to the hospital because her water broke right before we stepped into bed.

You were one and a half months early and I was praying to Aria that you were alright.

When we got there, they immediately carried her into the maternity ward for an emergency delivery.

I stood looking in through the glass wall and when you came out, I was soo happy.

But something was wrong. You weren't crying or moving and the doctors were frantically trying to get you to wake up."

"I was frustrated" Dad chuckled dryly

"I just looked in, powerless to do anything, and that alone made me more frustrated.

I paced up and  down the hallway. The nurse came outside and told  me to calm down, the doctors are working on.

Then finally, the doctors came and told there was nothing they could do to save you."

It struck a nerve when he said that. Not only with me, but with him as well.

His voice cracked as he struggled to keep his brave facade.

And although I couldn't see his face, I knew his eyes were welling up with tears.

"What did you do?" I asked

"What I wanted to do was fight and barge into that room and shake the hell out of them and you.

But I couldn't. I just..... just shut down. I felt empty. Dead. The reason my life had been better that last seven and  half months was because of  you.

When they had given up, the laid you in your mother's arms and led me in to say goodbye, before they took you away.

We had been there fifteen minutes, and when they came, it felt like my world was crumbling.

Your mother started crying.

I just uttered a few words 'Aria, madar ah behr'

Which means 'Aria, be a mother'

Not even a second later. You started crying.

The doctors were stupefied. It was incredible.

There were and still are no words to explain my joy and relief.

My point is" he wipes his eyes "I know what is feels like to lose an only child.

The hurt, the anger, the blame, it's all there. But when that child lives, you have to appreciate the fact that they are there, in the present, in the now.

Living in what could've happened will get you nowhere.

Nathaniel, is a kid with loads of potential. I see it every time I'm with him. If you refuse to see it now, when you do see it, you'll miss out."

With that dad turned to walk away.

I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry for what I said, dad. Why didn't you tell me that before?" I whispered at his shoulder.

"Because I don't want to relive that pain" he sighed.

"Thank you." I reply after a few moments of silence.

"For what?" He asks as we pull away

"For everything"

He pats my shoulder and smiles.

"Well, we'd better go back and get-"

"There you guys are" Nate said loudly walking up with Lisa, causing me to jump in fright.

I walk up to him and engulf him in a tight hug.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes dad. I'm fine"

I let go and hug my wife.

"Welcome to our old camping grounds, Nate" Dad said.

Nate's eyes lit up as he surveyed the terrain.

"Amazing" he said finally and I could see that it took his breath away.

I instantly regretted every moment that I've spent away from him.

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