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I ran deeper into the forest as fast and far as my little feet could take me. I turned back constantly to check how close they were to me.

My golden locks of hair flying constantly behind me. The guards kept coming at me with intense speed.

I leapt over a lot of branches and stumps. I didn't know if mommy and daddy were behind me, I just kept running and running and running.

When I reached a dead end. It was a small cottage and I turned to see the guards towered over my petite figure.

I cried and I felt heat burn out of my fingers with crackles of fire seeping out of my fingers.

"Stay away from me!" I cried even more

I created a fireball and blasted one of them it didn't harm him.

I sent thunder down on them as I was taught to do but it did nothing.

Then before they could seize and kill me, a hooded figure emerged from the cottage and casted a teleportation spell on them.

It held me protectively.

"Hello little one, your future is bright did you know?" She said

I nodded my head

"And you are a beautiful girl..."

I giggled and the moon shone on her face revealing her smile

She was a young woman with scarlet red hair and purple eyes, but she had a nasty scar that ran from her left eye to her upper lip.

"But I want to protect you for now"

She raised her hand and placed it on my forehead and chanted a spell.

"Cum a tactu manus meas et obliviscere praeterita, quae fuit et ecce futurum videos antea somnia stood est cogitare" She chanted

When she removed her hand, I felt light headed but I couldn't see anything like I was blind

I started spinning as the world was spinning, I felt lost in time like the world was dying and I crashed to the ground.

Blacking out instantly.

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