¡Chapter 8!

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I rubbed my cheek as I glared at the lady.

"Apologies, Lady Henrietta" Lucas said to the French braid woman

"Its fine, I will overlook her stupidity, but she should know her place here" She replied and left our presence.

His fiancée lightly kissed his lips and waved goodbye.

He immediately turned to me and for the first time, his eyes read sincerity, embarrassment and vulnerability.

"I'm sorry, Daniella is really a pain" When he noticed that I was ignorant to what he was saying, he took my hand.

I looked at him as his fingers brushed mine warmly.

I jerked my hand away after a while.

"I'm going to call it a night" I said but he took my hand

"Can I tell you something in private?" He asked softly

I looked around if anyone was watching so that they don't suspect us.

"Fine" I agreed and we went out of the hall

"So?" I asked

"Look, I have to admit..." He clenched his jaws and looked away for a moment.

"I enjoy your company and I would like it if we spent more time together"

I saw that he was still holding my hands while saying it and I started to feel awkward.

"Are you asking for my friendship?"

"If it includes getting to know you more, then yes"

I took my hand out of his before giving him an answer

"Yes, I agree"

"But..." He said "We help each other without objection"

I nodded and smiled

"Sure that's what friends are for" I replied

Then he did something stimulating but weird.

He kissed my cheek. His warm, soft lips pressing on my regular cheeks.

"Have you not had a female friend before?" I asked rubbing off the feeling of his lips

"Tons just not in this way" He winked and I elbowed him

"Good night and don't ever peck me again" I yelled headed to my room.

Immediately I got in, I locked the door behind me and stared at the spell book on my vanity table.

I picked it up, memorised and practised every spell that night.

Next Morning...
"Hey! Wait up!" Lucas called as I walked down the hall

He ran down to me dressed in a tucked in brown shirt and black trousers with boots.

His hair was perfectly done and shiny under the sunlight...so was his skin...and his lips.

Oh! What has gotten into you, Zoey?! He's getting married soon.

He opened his mouth to talk but I stopped him from talking by talking also.

"Before you start" I stood on my toes to reach his ears and whispered "I've mastered my spells"

He clapped with a smile on his face.

"So?! What am I supposed to do?!" He yelled.

I looked at him in shock, that was wrong.

He scratched his head and forced a smile on his face.

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