¡Chapter 7!

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I quietly fled the room and as I left it, the invisible door became visible to me.

I hurried to my room as fast as my heels could take me. I threw the books on the bed and I sat down.

The single paged journal grabbed my attention and I opened it to see the entry.

'25th April 1999,
I felt pity today, I just destroyed my ex-lover's kingdom, her home, her family, but I had to for certain reasons. She broke my heart when she chose that...fool over me and had his children. Oh, but she was beautiful and her curves were perfect. Still, I'm not satisfied, I haven't enslaved the other twin, she is still alive. They powers must not overthrow mine, I heard twins always possess strong powers, which is why every twin must die! I can't bear anyone stronger than I am. Poor Lucinda, she made a mistake to choose Felix over me, now she rots in my dungeons.

~King Geoffrey IV'

Ooooh juicy, murder entices me.

I tore and folded the piece of paper and stored it safely in my drawer.

I took the little book and it had that same magnetic pull I felt outside the door.

A strong urge to pop open the book quickly and I eventually gave into the urge.

The title was written on the first page, Book Of Magic and Spells for only twins.

Why is everything here pointing towards two twins that no one even knows about?

I scoffed and opened it more. I saw a variety of spells from levitation to paralysis, charming and even poisoning.

Why would they want to teach a three year old how to poison?

Parents of that generation.

Then I looked up and I thought of something.

I checked the spell book and the mother's message...

Third birthday...14/2/1999

I checked the journal date

25th April 1999...

I was born on Valentines Day, at least that's what my foster mom said the orphanage told her.

And this was given to the twin girl when she was three in Valentines Day. The twin is now 24!!!

I'm 24! And I can only remember my life from when I was four!

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