¡Chapter 9!

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"The nerve! See I knew it, every red head is always evil" Miranda's voice boomed from my laptop speaker as we spoke on Skype.

I sighed heavily but I still managed a smile.

Not long ago, I narrated how Lady Henrietta revealed a secret of mine I didn't even know.

And now, she's all bark no bite.

"How I wish I was there, I would rip out her lush red hair lock by lock"

"And you think she'll let you, she'll cast a simple paralysis spell and lock you up in the dungeons" I joked but Miranda didn't take it as a joke.

She sunk down into the office chair she sat on. She looked basically like a defeated puppy.

"She has powers too?"

I told her about the powers also.


"So technically everyone in that palace has powers...including you?"

I nodded in confirmation and Miranda face palmed herself.

"Why am I always left out? I had to leave just when the palace became cool"

We both laughed and Miranda looked up and back to me.

"TTYL babe, client alert" She said and cut the camera.

I closed Skype and snapped my laptop close.

I have a mystery to solve.

I ran a hand over the mark and the lavender glow was emitted once again.

I carefully covered it with my hair before stepping out of my room.

When I stepped into the corridor, I knew I hadn't gone round this house for a while and to find a place to think.

I toured the manor in curiosity, looking for a quiet place and any other mysterious secrets this beautiful building kept.

After a long and painful walk, I came across a big balcony. I walked in and ran my hand along the glass and iron barricades.

Potted flowers of different colours adorned the place beside vines

Ohhhh and there is a hammock and a sun lounger.

I laid down on the lounger and closed my eyes while sinking into the melody of the chirping birds.

This is true peace...

And its over, Lucas plopped down on the lounger beside me, sitting and not lying.

"Hey, soaking up some rays?" He asked

With my eyes still closed, I answered

"If that's what you call then yes, but I prefer relaxing"

"May I join you?" He asked

I opened my eyes and was greeted with a lovely sight to see.

Lucas was shirtless and his hair was jumbled up. All he was wearing were shorts. His core was RIPPED.

I couldn't help but imagine my fingers run down that chest and those soft lips on mine.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away hoping the feeling would go away, but dear, dear Zoe, thoughts like this never leave my mind.

"So, can I?" Lucas shrugged, then I realised I hadn't answered his question

"Y-yeah...feel free" I stuttered

He chuckled and rested his back on the lounger.

Then I remembered that I wanted to ask him for his help on uncovering my past.

"Right—uhhh Lucas...remember the condition we promised, last night?"

"Ahh yes, why?"

"I need your help on something"

He sat up straight and gazed straight into my eyes. Those icy blue eyes looked like diamonds.

I just couldn't resist...Zoe are you hearing yourself? You're falling for an engaged man, this is so not you!

Snap. Out. Of. It *mentally slapping myself*

"I don't know my real parents and I want to know, I saw a spell in the spell book related to my condition but it was torn by somebody" I brought out the book and handed it to him

He opened it to the ripped page and nodded.

"This is the amnesia spell, used to restore memories of the victims of amnesia" He chuckled and looked back at me "Do you have amnesia?"

"No but it looks like it could help"

"How do you know?"

I didn't want to tell him this much about me, now he is basically asking me to tell him about my dreams.

I sighed.

"I had a dream that seemed very real and visions that feel the same way like when I first used magic" I paused to look around for any spy.

"Secondly...this" I uncovered the mark and as he saw it, his jaw dropped

"Come closer"

"What?!" I asked

"Just come closer"

I bent towards him and he put his hand gently on the spot and I immediately got calm.

I closed my eyes so that I could sink into the moment and comfort.

He ran his hand from my neck to my cheeks.

He cupped them and I opened my eyes causing us to share a moment of silence. While making intimate eye contact.

He removed his hand after a few seconds and I felt heat creeping up to my cheeks again, this time I bent my head to hide it.

"That mark is the mark of a Calaian twin, you have a very powerful past, are you sure you want to regain it using the amnesia spell?" He asked, with his emotions reading concern.

"Yes, how is it done?"

"Wear and look exactly how looked in your first dream or visions and go to bed, you will recall everything"

I smiled at him thankfully.

"Thank you, Lucas"

"Anytime" He smiled back at me and I got lost in his smile but regained myself after some seconds.

That Night...

I was lucky I found every item but only the pendant on my neck was sent back to me from my mom.

I admired how I strongly resembled the girl from the dream in a white, silk nightwear for children which was short, very short for me now.

No shoes, straightened hair, no makeup, some dirt and dried mud on my body and face.

I was feeling sticky, gross and exposed but, things i do to reveal my past.

My door opened and Lucas came in, locking it behind him.

"You're here, finally we can get this over with" I started heading to the bed and laid down comfortably.

Lucas sat beside the bed and started the chant as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

After a while, I was sound asleep...

And prepared for anything.


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