chapter one

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"Lucifer, come here now!" A deep rolling voice commanded.

"Yes father?"

"You have been goofing around with my mortals again, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I guess" I say and kick at the ground, distaste for being repermained, again, coated my tone.

"I told you to leave them alone!" My father yelled causing me to flinch.
"Go to your room. I'll deal with you later."

I walked away mumbling to myself. It was always 'later' with my father. I wasn't perfect or well mannered like my brothers Michael and Gabriel. I was always getting into things, petty mortal squabbles, stealing halos, you know those sort of things. I wasn't a bad kid, I simply wanted my fathers attention.

I slammed my fist into the nearby wall, small cracks forming around my fist, and scaring some of the nearby souls. I pulled my fist back to see golden blood trickle down my knuckles. I smiled and continued to my room on the west wing. I slammed my door shut. He didn't care about me, so why should I care about myself either? I plopped onto my bed and fell asleep.

Fire, brimstone, people dying, their moans of agony sent up into the air. I ran through the battle field, wishing it would end, and knowing it wouldn't be until one of us died. I looked around the hellish landscape as I paused to catch my breath. I had a hand in building this setting. It was one I was always destined to fight on for years, and destined to one day die on. Tears streamed down my face. They were instantly dried by the hot raving winds.

I woke up gasping for the air that was now significantly cooler.
The sun had yet to go down, but then again, it was dark here in heaven. I looked at my clock. It read 7:30 pm. It was after supper, but I didn't care. I wasn't hungry, not after that dream anyways. It was always that same setting for the past month or so. It was burning hot, people laying there taking their last breathes before dying.

I shook my head to rid myself of that image when a light knock sounded on my door. Sighing I stood and answered the door. It was my older brother Michael. He was almost exactly like my father besides his looks and status. He had dark brown hair, his eyes a light gold, his nose crooked from his training and a frown.

"What do you want Michael?"
He leans against my door frame and looks at me.

"You don't looks so good Lucifer" he says and I pause by my mirror to see what he means. My black hair is ruffle from me running my hands through it, sweat clings to me giving me a faint sheen. My eyes are black, a golden ring around my irises. My nose is straighter than my brothers, but still slightly crooked. I had chucked off my white shirt before I went to sleep showing my toned chest that came from harsh training my father forced us to endure.

"I don't see anything wrong" I say and look back towards Michael. His frown still intact he hands me a plate of my favorite foods, mostly things to make fajitas and some mashed potatoes.

"I brought you supper since you weren't there tonight" he said and I held back a smile.

"Thanks" I say and take the offered the plate. I set down the plate on my desk and wait for him to leave. He doesn't.

"Lucifer, you have to stop" he says, his tone serious. I meet his gaze.

"Stop what Michael? Stop being myself, stop having a personality?" I question and let out a stained laugh.

"You know what this is about Lucifer. You have to stop before he kicks you out. I've talked him out of it a few times already because you are my brother, but I'm at my max!" He yells at me and I scoff.

"Why couldn't he come tell me himself then huh? He wants to kick me out, but yet he can't come tell me himself? How pathetic"

"You of all people know he's busy. He just doesn't have the time to deal with your antics Lucifer!"

"You don't know what its like to be ignored by him do you?" I whisper and he stares at me, his golden eyes staring me down. Usually this would work. Usually I would stop and apologise. But today is not a usual day, and I am not my usual mood.
"Well do you?! No you don't. Your a suck up and will always be stuck by his side. His perfect child, his perfect little pet!" I scream and he grabs my throat and pins me to the wall behind me.

"Don't you talk to me like that, don't insult your own father" he whispers in my ear and I let out a laugh.

"He's never been my father" I hiss out, trying to get a decent breath.

"Maybe the reason is because your a screw up" he says in reply and shoves me away like I've burned him.
"You have one more chance. Don't screw it up" he forced out before crossing my room in three short strides and slams the door shut behind himself.

I stand there gulping breaths and attempting to somewhat slow the streams of tears flowing down my face. 
"I am not a screw up" I say, falling to my knees. Anger, disbelief and an overwhelming hatred for this entire place setting in my heart.

"I am not a screw up"

The Fall of Lucifer Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora