chapter seven

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Years had flown by. I hand went to talk to father at the end of each one, and none of them were pleasent. Everyone stared me down as I walked the ever familiar golden road. Gabriel and Michael sneered at me when I entered fathers office and father spoke to me with disdain. I followed my new brother every so often as well.

I sat in my new office. Through the years father had sent more and more people down here and I had to do something with them. I made some the overseers, the ones whom I trusted, and the rest were punished for whatever they did wrong in life.

I made Gavain the boss over my overseers so he was gone mist days now. I decided to go visit Jesus. I walked out of my office and went to the basement and into the free fall. I appeared in a desert near to him. He had taken a fast for forty days and was on his last day. He looked half dead from not eating or drinking.

I walked up to him and held up a rock towards him.
"Make these into bread so you can eat something" I say and he shakes his head.

"It is written that people will not live only by bread, but by every word spoken by God"

I scowled. Words weren't going to fill your stomach.
I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the top of a temple in Jerusalem.

"If your "God" is so great then throw yourself on these rocks. He will send angels to help you wont he?"

"It is written, do not test the Lord your God" he mumbles.

I sigh in frustration and take him to a moutain overlooking several city's.

"Just look at the view. If I ever had a son I would give him controll over all this"

"Go away Satan! It is written you will worship the Lord your God and serve only him!" He said and I cringe away. Satan? Really thats what they are calling me these days?

"Wait what?! I'm not asking you to serve me!" I say but he shakes his head.

"Go away!" He yells and I sigh before disappearing.

I reappeared in my office. Anger flowed through me. They had made me out to be a horrible thing. He would be my executor not knowing that I was his brother. I was just some beast! War would come, and to protect what was mine, I would kill him if I had to.

The year was 2998, that was the mortals year at least. The attack came unexpected and we were hit hard. The mortals had taken cover in the mountains as our battle raged on. We had moved to mortal lands Bvecaus our home was decimated after Michael had taken a few thousand soldiers and stomped in.

I sat down resting for a bit when Gavain showed up. He was now the main general of my armies.

"Give me some good news Gavain" I plead, the dreams keep replaying in my mind as I look across the battle field.

"Lucifer, we are loosing, badly" he said as he took off his helmet to reveal his face which was grim.

Suddenly a spear pierced through his armour and into his flesh. I looked around, anger bubbling in my veins. There, a solitary angel stood pacing, his sword draw. I charged him and he grinned. Oh he did not know the death awaiting him.

After I had delt with the angel I rushed back to Gavain. His breathing was jagged and his face was pale.

"Lucifer...just...stop"  Gavain said, blood dribbling down his chin.

"I can' know that" I whisper back.

"He's gonna...kill you...Lucifer if you don't...surrender..."

"He will do it either way"

A wet cough cane from him, his eyes closing.
"No...please don't...please don't leave me" I plead, wet tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

And just like that Gavain was snatched away from me. I sat and sobbed by his side until I fell unconscious.

When I awakened, it felt brighter and cooler as well. I looked around to see myself in a small bare room. This was where I was going to die. I felt it in my Heart, in my bones, in my very making. A knock on glass made me look up to where Michael stood. The glass parted for him and he walked in.

"Oh brother, what a pitiful state your in all because your man whore died" he cackled. I jumped up ready to snap his neck for the hurtful words when all of a sudden, I just couldn't move. I scowled at whatever this was holding me back. My brother it seemed, found it hilarious. 

A quick blow to my back had me tumbling to the floor. I arched against the cool flooring as fire raced up my back.

"You can't do a damn thing to me" he whispered in my ear.
"I can deliver you pain now with a thought" he snapped his fingers and the bones in my right arm all broke simultaneously. I couldn't hold back the scream this time.
His chuckle rose through the air, an undertone for my scream. I didn't stop screaming until my throat bled and ninty percent of my bones were either broken or fractured.

The next day after I had somewhat healed I was dragged before my father and my now three brothers. Jesus stood clad in solid black, a large flaming sword held in his hand.

"You are sentenced to die Lucifer for your crimes. Any last words?" My father questioned. I bowed my head. I was already broken. Just let me die. I heard the sword was lifted above my head. I waited. The noise that came next was not the one I anticipated.

"Stop!" It was my mother strolling in, wrapped in darkness and fire.

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