chapter two

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"Agh!" I yelled as I charged the angel in front of me. My blade was drawn, coated in fresh blood and dust. My blade slices through his flesh, and when it passes through his back bone out the other side, his eyes darken with the pain that comes with it. His body falls to the ground, his upper half gasping from the intense pain. I shove my sword through his skull and end his pain. It seemed like there was never any peace until you experienced death.

I slam back into awareness, slamming my head into the wall behind me. I wince at the slight hhur and look around my room. My food from last night still sits on my desk untouched. My clock read 1:24 am. Everyone would be asleep now, however I couldn't go back to  sleep just yet. Sighing, I grabbed my dinner, still warm, and ate it.

I walked out of my room, not sure on what to do at the moment. I wanted to go mess with fathers mortals, but it would be to much effort, effort I just didn't have at the moment. I decided to outside the house and walk around heaven for a bit.

Father had made several small houses lining the golden streets mixed in with stores so the people who came here could feel normal after their death. I roamed the streets, waited for someone to yell at me and tell me it was time for bed, however no one ever did. I sighed and thought back to the words my brother had hissed into my ear yesterday. Maybe I was just a screw up. It would explain a lot. Father never really wanted me around, especially after my mother had passed on. You would think she would just go back to heaven, but she went somewhere else, and father wouldn't tell us where she was.

I sighed and looked to see where my feet had taken me. It was the gateway. I opened the and sneaked past the sleeping guard to where the free fall tunnel. It would be simple. A short trip to clear my mind, and I would be back before anyone woke up. I nodded to myself and threw myself down the tunnel, ready for the escape.

I walked around the small settlement unseen. The men were working the fields, the women watched the small children and made clothes and food. I walked into one of the fields ment for sheep and saw a lazing boy who was apparently supposed to guard the sheep. I smiled and decided to teach him a lesson.

I transformed into a wolf and waited for him to notice me. When he did, his eyes widened and he started to call wolf. The men from the village came running with wepons and I transformed back, once more becoming invisible.

When they arrived and saw no wolf they yelled at the boy and cuffed the backside of his neck before returning to their fields. I did this a few more times before they stopped coming. At that point, I took the little boy to the other side of the forest before leaving. As the gates came into view I chuckled to myself. I needed that. I slipped back in and shut the gates and got back in bed by 2:56 am.

Darkness. But only for a moment, then a little bright flame. I thought of a phrase my father always used to tell us.
"Light cannot exist without darkness, and a shadow cannot be seen without a light"

I blinked at the sudden brightness. My head was pounding. I went to go rub my temples to try and rid myself of the headache when I heard a clanking, and felt a weight on my hands. I looked down to see cuffs on my hands, a chain connecting them.

Looking around, I realised two things. One, I was in my fathers courtroom. Two, I was on trial. Souls and angels filled the seats surrounding the room and in front of me sat my father. On his right side sat Michael and on his left sat Gabriel.

"We are having this trial for my son Lucifer" my fathers booming voice announced filling the room.

"He has gone too far and will now face the consequences of his wrongs. Your charges Lucifer include reapeated offences in meddling in human affares and disobedence of me your father. Do you deny these statements?" My father asked looking down at me exspectantly.

I raised my eyebrow.
"Why no father, why would I ever question what you say?" I ask sarcasticly.

"You will restain that tounge of yours brother" Gaberial says, his voice rolling and powerfull. His blonde hair falls into one of his eyes. His gaze is steeled and full of anger. I stare right back.

"Thats enough Gabriel. Stand down" my father commands causing Gabriel to sit back. I stick my tounge out at him and smile when his fists clench in obvious anger.

"Lucifer you are banned from heaven and are hereby cast into hell" he says and I smirk.

"Finally getting my own place huh?" I snicker and he continues.

"You will report to me once a year annually and anyone I deem not worthy, I will cast them down with you" he finishes and bangs his gavel on his desk signialing the end of the trial.

He nods at my brother Michael and walks away. Michael floats down to my side and yanks me up. He leads me down a long hallway with only one door at the end of it. When we reach it, he pushes it open and shoves me into the room. There is a free fall, much like the one leading to earth exsept the hot wind blowing my hair in different directions.

"I told you Lucifer, but you didn't listen. Now look what you got yourself into. Your a cast out, a worthless being and a disgrace to this family. I am so happy to finally be rid of you!" He says and starts to push me into the free fall, but I grab his shirt.

"What do you want?!" He yells and I lean up to his ear.

"I am not worthless" I whisper and bite his earlobe. I pull and he screams, pushing me away. His earlobe is in my mouth and I turn and spit it into the free fall behind me. I glance at him one last time before I dive into the free fall. Gold blood drips from his wound and his face is a mask of anger. I smile and let the free fall take me to my new home.

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