chapter five

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An overwhelming wave sense of self came over me, even as I blacked out. I would kill him. For Gavain I would kill him. Spill his blood for what had already been spilt. I would end him.

Sweat rolled down my neck in beads. My breaths came shallow. I could taste the blood on that ever dusty battlefield. Could still feel that blade in my hand.
I stood from my bed, satisfying cracks coming from my back after I stretched. I walked out of my room and peeked into Gavain's room. His breathing was deep and even as he slumbered on. I smiled and continued on to the bathroom.

I went for a walk after breakfast. Gavain had yet to get up. Taking slow steps as not to wind myself in the hot atmosphere, I walked a fair distance away from the house to a small tree. It was small and withered, but it offered some shade from the blistering heat.

I thought about Michaels last words to me, wondered if I really was worthless. A sudden thunder roll had me on my feet in an instant. There coming down from the sky was the damned bastard himself. He landed in front of me, his wings on full display.

"What is it Michael?"

"What, can't visit my exiled brother?" He asked, a smirk etched into his features.

"Do not make me bite off that other ear of your" I growled at him and that smirk dropped.

"I came here to inform you that father had another son" he said and I scoffed.
"Let me guess, he had one of his mortal playthings to carry it?" Michael nodded.

"He will be born December 25th."

"Why are you telling me this?" I question and look at him suspciously. He shrugged.

"No real reason, just wanted to go ahead and tell you about your executor ahead of time" Michael said. A thunder clap roared from the sky.

"Alright, I've got to go, fathers calling me"

He started to ascend.

"Yep, master is calling his dog, better get up there" I call to him and he throws me a glade before he disappears. I chuckled and head back towards the house.

I sat in the living room relaxing. A new brother huh? On the human calenders it was November the last time I checked. That meant I had roughly a month before he was born. Standing, I ran a hand through my hair. My executor, the one who end my life, for the good of the world. I scoffed at the last thought.

"Hey Lucifer do you know where any extra blankets are?" Gavain asked as he walked into the room. I glanced over at me. He still held that sheepish tone like he didn't really want to bother anyone with anything. Chuckling I headed towards the basement.

"Yeah give me a moment"
He nodded. The door opened at mearly a touch. I walked down the small set of stairs and turned to the right when a door slammed open on the opposite side if the room. I let out a small yelp and the sudden noise before going over to investigating.

It was like a free fall, but instead it lead upwards, but it would work the same way, or at least it should in theory. Shaking my head I went back and grabbed a few blankets for Gavain before heading back up the stair. It was a gateway to earth, one that would hopefully become very useful in the future.

December 25th. It was normarly just a celebration for the mortals, a time to gather together and drink, but this year it held a different meaning. My brother and my executor was born. I almost laughed, scratch that, I did laugh when I heard he was born in a stable in a Manger used to feed the animals.

I lounged on my bed, Gavain sitting beside me. We passed a bottle of liquor I had nabbed from the mortal realm after I had caught a glimpse of my new brother. Father went an extra mile and and one of the stars really bright.

"Its not-hic- fair to-hic-you" Gavain said as he stumbled over his words.

"Its not. I was the problem child, he however is supposed to be the worlds savior" I mocked, my words steadier than Gavain's because I was able to handle my liquor.

"Your not the-hic-problem child, your-hic-father is. I like-hic-you" he whispered like a secret. He leaned in and planted a kiss on my mouth before he fell against the wall, asleep. A blush crept up my face. What the hell?!

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