chapter four

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"What do you want?" I questioned and he flinched back at the tone of my voice.

"You, well, you were crying and I didn't know what to do" he said and looked at the floor.

"Are you human?" I asked, assessing him.

"What?" He asked surprise written on his face.

"I asked if you were human"

"I, uh, I think so. I mean I died a few moments ago, so I think I am, unless this Is just all a crazy dream..." he trailed off and I sighed. So he was dead. That made him a soul, unless...

"Give me your finger" I say and pull out a knife.

"What?! No way! I don't want to get cut!" He exclaimed and I scoffed.

"Quit being such a baby and give my your finger" I say, my tone a little more forceful. He finally held out the shaking apendeage and I cut it with a fast downward stroke. He pulled it back quickly. 

"Ow! What is wrong with you?!" He screamed and I waved him off.

"Yeah yeah, I'm a psychopath. Now then let me see your blood" I say and he looks at me, his face full of distrust.
"Oh just give me your damn hand" I say and grab his injured hand causing him to yell out in pain. There smeared on his hand was blood, but it wasn't the normal gold of souls and angels, instead it was red. Like the blood from my dream.

As I looked into his eyes, pain causing them to darken more so than they already were, I saw that male that had laid under  me, begging me to surrender, who died and left me alone... I jumped back from him, nearly toppling over my own chair. No... I'd refuse. He wouldn't die, it wouldn't happen...

"Whats wrong?" He asked me, consern coating his tone. He didn't know, he had no clue what so ever to the dream I had just had. He had no clue...

"Uh nothing, thought I saw a bug or something" I said and walked back over to my seat. Why had father sent him? Did he know?

Suddenly the door opened and my mother walked in. After she had closed the door and turned to us, I could see the anger in her eyes.

"Mother, whats wrong?" I asked, standing from my seat.

"Nothing to get yourself riled up over. Ah I see our guest I awake and feeling a little better" her eyes flicked to where he was sitting nursing his wounded hand.
"What have you been doing? He looks absolutely frightened" she said walking over to him.

"He was red blood" I blurt out as she looks at his injured hand, well finger.

"What is the big deal about that? Yeah I have red blood, which I had when I was alive, it doesn't seem like it should be such a big deal" he says as he looks at the concern on both of our faces.
My mother cast me a quick glance, her features full of worry.

"You see..." my mother trailed off not knowing what to call him.

"Oh uh Gavain" he suplied and my mother nodded.

"You see Gavain, when you die you would usually go to a different place. Its called heaven and once you go there its like paradise, gold paved roads, great food, all that and you would be called a soul. See souls and angels there all have golden blood, but you don't even though your dead. See where I'm going with this?"

"So your saying that I should have golden blood and living in a paradise, but Instead, I'm down here you you guys in the opposite place?"
My mother looked to me and I nodded.

"Yeah thats pretty much it" I say and watch him for a reaction.

"Do you guys have golden blood as well?" He asked surprising me. I hadn't thought to check. Mother just shrugged. Apparently she hadn't either. I took my knife that was still on the table and cut my finger. Waiting for a moment, my face turned shocked when my blood didn't run gold, or red, but instead black. Mother wiped the blade clean and cut her own finger. Her blood was black as well.

"Hmm seems like father had wanted us to be different, but that still doesn't explain why his is red"
I say and stare at the floor in thought. Mother claps her hands, jerking me out of my head.

"Well why don't we eat first and think about this later?" Gavain and I nod and we follow after mother.

Supper goes smoothly. Afterward tirdness overlaps me even though I had a nap already.

"Im going to find somewhere to sleep for the night."

"Up the stairs and to your right, first room. Gavain your room is next to his and the third door is the bathroom. Goodnight boys" she called as she started for the basement.

"Goodnight" I call and head for my room. Gavain gets up a moment later and follows me. Before he goes in his room, I grab his shoulder.

"Hey I just wanted to apologize, for, for earlier you know with your finger and all" I say, a heat creeping onto my face.

"Its cool man. Goodnight" he chirps and make his way to his room. I open my door and flop onto my bed.

"Yeah, goodnight"

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