Chapter 3 - Behind The Scenes

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(Night time)
The dim, purple lights showed around as Ibuki walked to the corner. She was suppose to meet someone..

"Well.. he's going to my concert!"

Ibuki would walk back and forth.

"But he's going with Sonia! Ibuki will never have a chance!"

"PSSH! A princess would never date such a DORK!"

Some high pitched, sticky noise would say.

"D-Dork? What are you saying?"
"I'm saying you would have a chance! Sonia is going JUST to be nice!"
"But what if she actually likes Souda!"
"That's one out of a million!"
"A million?"
"Trust me. You'll get the chance!"

Ibuki looked at her.

"Are you sure.. Hiyoko?"


"But what's the actual plan?"
"Plan is, he likes your music, gives up Sonia for you, BAM!"
"But what if that doesn't work?!"
"Well you are a nice friend of his."
"That's true..."
"Who wouldn't wanna hang out with a famous girl who actually likes him?"
"You're just a hyper version of Sonia! He'd date you if he saw your performance."

Ibuki thought this was skeptical.

"You're being awfully positive.. Hiyoko.."
"Shut it Ibuki! I'm only helping you cause of our deal!"

"Yeah. Deal."

"Hey. You're the one who asked me!"

Ibuki thought for a moment.

Just Imagine.. after the concert, he'd accept you 100%! Hiyoko is right.. just get this done with and then JACKPOT!

Ibuki sighed.

"And I'm hoping you're being honest with me, Hiyoko."

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