Chapter 6 - Rival or Lover?

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The loud bell would ring.
"Class dismissed!"
I'd walk out with Sonia, feeling a bit upset at Ibuki. Why would she invite Gundham in the first place? What if she's planning something else? Does she dislike Sonia.. or me?

Thoughts swirled my head, causing me to bump into someone.
That someone was Gundham.

"Jesus! Another mortal bumping into me! Thank goodness I didn't fall! What do you w-"

He'd look at me.
And I would look at him.

"Uh. What are you doing here?"
I'd ask as I fixed my black cap.

"I should be asking the same thing! Where's Sonia?"
"That's none of your business!"
I'd pout.
"I just wanna know why you denied her request to have you go with her!"

Gundham looked at me like I was stupid and started laughing.

"W-Why are you laughing? Idiot!"

"Everyone knows my Dark Devas are more important than some mortal!"
"Sonia is only a friend! I've told you this many times. Have I not?"

I'd gulp. Why does he think I have a child's brain? Of course he "likes" her! I'm not falling for THAT!

"W-Well.. explain everyone liking you two together!"
"They're mistaken! For my eyes have someone else."
"Lemme guess.. your hamsters?"
"Certainly not!"
He'd look angry.
"Even if I dearly love them, I would not commit bestiality! Nor would I watch shows with human language talking beasts who walk like humans!"

I just looked. I mean, now he made me confused. I mean, eyes for someone else? Now talking about bestiality? What is going on in his head?

"Ok dude. Calm down. There's no need to go THAT far!"

He'd turn back to look at me.

"Why do you want to know so badly?"
"Well, it'd set me free from stress with Sonia."
"You know. Love rival stuff."
I'd laugh a little.
He'd blush for some odd reason.
"Very well then."

He'd take out some box of chocolates and put into motion that he was giving it to me.

"I got this from the store. Take it!"
I took it out of his hands and opened the box. Nothing but chocolates.

"How is this suppose to help me-"
He's gone.
He just left like that!

I'd look around the box. There has to be some weird clue! I'd check the inside and outside and everywhere. Nothing! Then I realized something. He didn't say any hints, did he?
I'd be frozen.
Holy crap!
Did he mean.....

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