Chapter 5 - Homeroom

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I would sit down with Sonia. Surprisingly, she's starting to hang out with me more. I wonder if it's Ibuki's ticket..

I can't mess this up!
If this goes wrong, Sonia would never accept me!
No. This can't go wrong.. not if-

Gundham walks into the classroom.
Is that-
Ibuki's ticket?

Wait what...?

Did Sonia gives that to him? Did Ibuki give it? What about Ibuki's plan?

I have to see what's going on.

"Hey- what'cha got there?"
Gundham looked at me.
"Mortal? It's Ibuki's ticket to her concert!"
"I-Ibuki's.. t-t-ticket?!"
"Yeah. The mortal gave it to me."

I'm so confused.
Did she plan this?
Is she going to embarrass Gundham?
No. That's not what I want.
Even if I hate him, that's nothing that I would want for anyone.
If anything I would want him dead.
Not publicly humiliated.

"I-Ibuki gave me one too.."

I'd reach for the ticket and hold it out.

"Oh. Well you are her friend. Such mortal would be invited to her concert!"
"And why aren't you upset?"
"Why be upset?"

Is.. he apart of Ibuki's plan?
This is fishy! Way too fishy!

"Alrighty then. I'll see YOU there."

I'd turn and walk back to my seat.

"What are you two arguing about again?"
Sonia sounded disappointed. I'm not surprised either.
"No arguing.. just.."

I can't tell Sonia that Gundham is going! That'll ruin EVERYTHING!

"Why won't you look at that! The dork won her over! HAH!"

Hiyoko would just stare with a smirk.

"Hiyoko? What-"
"Don't Hiyoko ME! I know EXACTLY what's going on here."
She'd giggle.

I'd fix my cap.

Hiyoko.. knows what was going on?

Ibuki would run in.

She'd shout

The whole class just looked.
Gundham went up to her.

"Do you think my Dark Devas could have... special seats?"

Sonia's head perked up.

"You're going?"

My heart stopped. Everything is ruined. All in one sentence. And by who? By Gundham! Like always.

Gundham would look at Sonia.

"Well I was invited!"
"Souda invited me to go with him, but you could come with us if you want!"

Gundham blushed. Gosh dang it!


Ibuki stepped in.

"Actually... how about Gundham and Ibuki set up the chairs for the Dark Devas!"
Gundham looked at Ibuki.
"Certainly, mortal! I shall set things up as a thank you! Sorry Sonia but I have to reject the offer."

Hiyoko's eyes widened.

"B-But T-The- HUH?"
Her mouth dropped. I couldn't believe it either.. Gundham.. rejected SONIA! I was relieved!

Gundham looked at me.

"I hope to see you there!"

The teacher walks in.

"Sit down class!"

(Heeeey! Just a little chat from the creator..
(〃ω〃) so how is the story so far? Is Ibuki planning something? Will Sonia go? Comment below your ideas and I might put them in!)

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