Chapter 4 - A Ticket To Love

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(Back to that day)


Gundham was chasing them around the house. He then tripped and fell on the ground in front of the front-door. He got up to see that there was a slip on the door. He opened the door and got the slip.

Out came one ticket.
To Ibuki's concert.

"Huh? What mortal would-"
He'd look at the name.

The hamsters went back onto his shoulder.

"Ah- you guys are coming.. don't worry. This mortal has invited us!"

He'd look at the ticket. Gundham was happy to be invited. No one ever invited him to such parties.. except for Sonia of course.

Though Sonia was like a best friend to him. He got used to her taking his hamsters and hanging out with him too.
He'd wonder though.
'If it weren't for my Dark Devas, I'd be useless.. wouldn't I?'
Though this ticket proved him wrong.

Someone did care. Out there.
He'd put up his scarf.

"No time for feelings at the moment. I must get to the store. But no treats since you guys have been very naughty!"
The hamsters would look sad.

Gundham would be walking with his Dark Devas in his hands. He couldn't wait for Ibuki's concert. Nonetheless someone actually gave him a ticket!

As he was walking.. he'd bump into someone.

Gundham would fall as the hamsters clutched onto him.
He'd get up in a flash.
"MORTAL! How dare you bump into me! I'll have you ki-"

It was Ibuki.

He'd look down at her.
"Ow- my head!"
She would say as she looked up.

"Oh! Gundham! Have you gotten Ibuki's tickets?"
Ibuki also got up, excited.
"Oh? Did you give these to me?"
"Indeed I did!"
"Oh! Why I and the Gods thank you!"
He'd slightly bow.
"Ibuki's pleasure! The concert this weekend is going to be amazing!"

Ibuki would dance around.

"Well I see you are quite happy for yourself, mortal Ibuki, but I really must go-"
"Go where?"
"To the shop. I have to buy things."
"Oh. Well then I'll see you at the concert!"
"But we have school tomorro-"

Ibuki would walk by.

"Mortal so naive. Thinking I'd actually GO."

He'd look at the ticket once more

"Well. She's right this time."

Some Sweet Betrayal (DR2 Love Square Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora