Chapter 10 - Getting Ready

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It was a Saturday morning, so the alarm didn't buzz. I put the blankets over me just to keep away the rays of sun, but then I was overcome with the smell of oil. I just decided to go up and block the sun with the old curtains.
I laid in bed for probably an hour before I remembered about Ibuki's concert tonight! I'd actually have a date with Sonia! I might have a chance with this.
But then I remembered...
Mahiru told me something about a plan Hiyoko had.
'Their plan probably won't work!' I told myself.
I mean I was half right. If I was this close to having an actual date, there's no way Hiyoko could spoil it!
Maybe other things could, though.
I should just try and get ready for this night..

Hours passed. Almost ready to go.

"Alright, I think I'm cleaned up!"
I'd put on a nice jacket, or I thought it was nice at least, and I'd head to Sonia's place. I'd also find some nice flowers that were for free on the way. How am I this lucky? Going on a little date with Sonia AND getting her a little gift!

 How am I this lucky? Going on a little date with Sonia AND getting her a little gift!

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Then again, that plan Mahiru told me, and I now remember too that Gundham is going.  Nonetheless I should stop being worried and just get on with life! I mean, why not?

Sonia's house was pretty. It was like a mansion with bells and whistles! Knowing she was away from her hometown, this was a pretty nice place!
I'd ring the fancy doorbell they had. It sounded like bells ringing, except a little more techno.
I'd hear someone running around. Was there a kid there? Uh oh.
Then, the door opened.
"Oh, hi Kazuichi!"
"H-Hi Miss Sonia!"
"Hold on, I just need to grab one more thing!"
"W-Wait before you do I-"
She turned back.
I'd hand her the free flowers I got from the flower shop.
"I thought you might like these."
"They're pretty!"
She'd grab them out of my hands and smell them.
"Dogwood flowers. They smell nice!"
I'd awkwardly laugh.
"Well I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked exactly but-"
"Oh I love white flowers! I'll put these in a vase! Hold on."
She ran back inside.
I felt pretty successful! I mean she likes white flowers, and I got those for free! What else could happen?
"Ok! I'm ready."
She'd pat her blue dress she had on.
"Does this look ok to you?" Sonia would ask.
"Ok? It looks wonderful!"
She'd smile.
"Well come on! We don't wanna be late, now do we?"
She'd grab my arm and we'd run.

"Well come on! We don't wanna be late, now do we?"She'd grab my arm and we'd run

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