Chapter 5: Large Popcorn

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Chapter 5 - Large Popcorn

Gunnar, Nico, Robbie and I were all at the movies one Sunday afternoon. I have always loved movies since I was a kid that's probably why I'm an actress. My mom and dad used to take us here all the time. That was before dad left with another woman and before mom died. It was back before they were fighting, back when they were together, like truly together. We'd always go on Sundays. It was just kinda our thing. Gunnar, Nico, Robbie and I go now but it's just not the same.

But even back then we'd always go to the cheap theaters and weren't allowed any snacks at the concession stand. I remember as a kid just wanting a large popcorn. It sounded so fancy and extra. But I could never get it because we needed to be wise with our money. I understood that. Even as a kid.

Gunnar, Nico, Robbie and I all headed into the theater and watched our movie. It was so nice being able to spend some time with them. Ever since I got this role I haven't exactly had time to anything other than film. But even before then. Gunnar and Nico were always working and the only real time I actually got to see them was when I would visit them at work. This was the first time since mom and dad weren't around that Gunnar wasn't stressing about bills and Nico wasn't picking up an extra shift. It was the first time they could relax. The first time we were making ends met. I honestly hadn't been this happy before either. This was all just so exciting and new to me.

The movie we were watching was good but I couldn't help but think: "Wow. I'm going to be on this screen. People are going to pay money to sit in a theater just like this and watch me." It was a crazy thought but a real one. A small amount advertisements just went up for 'Miles for Violets.' It was of Zach and I resting our heads on one another and Elizabeth and Amber arguing in the back. It looked pretty cute and funny like any romantic comedy. It was on some bus benches and stuff like that but nothing too major yet. We needed to get closer to the end of filming before billboards and other major advertisements like commercials or trailers would be presented. But either way I was so hyped and apparently people at school were too.

Literally the day they went up some people were giving me smiles and all sort of looks. But positive ones. It was like people were finally paying attention to me. All it took was my face to be on some bus benches. I guess that's how Amber felt every day. All that positive regard. So many people had heard about it it's kinda funny. Some dude in my physics class, another girl in my English class, even Eugene and Franklin had heard.

"Hey Alyssa! We saw you on a bus bench! It looks great! We're totally gonna see it!" Eugene shouted from the ladder. He was of course still painting their house a somehow darker brown and Franklin was working on the flowers. "Aww thank you!" "I know right! We're so proud of her!" Gunnar and Nico had pulled up in their car to listen for a few seconds on their way to work. Robbie was tugging at me to get to school. "Hey so about dinner we need to have it soon with you guys! We wanna know all about this movie!" Eugene and Franklin were so sweet. "For sure. We'll let you know when we're free."

Dropping off Robbie I noticed that mom again wow. She was in a grey pantsuit that was slimming as shit. Her hair flawless as ever. Her son ran out of her arms and into the school. The stunning mom looked up at me. I stopped breathing. She smiled and then I began to breathe again. She was so gorgeous I just couldn't. I physically felt high from that. Just looking at her.

Filming that day was a breeze. I was beginning to get used to all the lights and the cameras being so close. I also felt more comfortable about filming. At the beginning, I was just getting used to it or it was a really hard scene to take. But right now the scenes were pretty straight forward. The only thing that wasn't easy was the food situation. I was back at that terrible craft services table where they just refused to produce anything decent tasting. I was eating the chips. Again. I felt that they were the least worst tasting.

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