Bad bad donkey

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Waluigi and I got invitations ready for the wedding. I sat down on the couch next to him as he listed people he wanted to invite.

"How about Rosalina?"

I looked at him in confusion.

"Didn't she get arrested?"

Rosalina was arrested from having an affair with Luma.

"She got out like two days ago."

I nodded.

"Whatever makes you happy skinny twiggy twisty skinny legend daddyapoo."

Waluigi blushed.

"Oh stop."

As we finished the reservations I couldn't help but wonder something.

"I wonder is Wario is still locked up?"

Waluigi thought for a second.

" committed some horrible I wouldn't be surprised if he still was."

"Thank god..the sociopath is gone."

We smiled and got ready to call everyone.

"I'll do it for you Waluigi just relax and dust the nick nacks."

Waluigi hugged me.

"Oh I love you so much Shrek."

He got up and started dusting a pot that Fiona and Bert were cremated in. The ashes still haunt me.

"Shrek why do we even have this here?"

I didn't really know what to say.

"Well I just wanted Berts ashes but it was a two for one sale so I got both Fiona's and Berts ashes. "

Waluigi spoke.

"Oh your such a compassionate creature Shrek..even tho she treated you like fertilizer you got her stinky ashes anyway."

Waluigi hugged me.

We heard a sudden sound coming from the huge ash pot. It was 70 feet tall since Fiona was so large. I always thought it was Fiona's ugly ass spirit trying to escape.

"Where is that coming from?"

I lifted Waluigi to the top of the pot and he took off the lid to look in.

"Why is there a Donkey in here?"

I asked him to repeat.


"There is a Donkey feeding on the ashes..."

I pulled him down.

"Wait here."

I then sprung with all my ogre might to the top of the pot with my thicc thighs and jumped in.

Donkey looked at me feasting on the ashes.

"Nom Nom...what are doing here..Nom..I thought you forgot about me.."

"What are you doing here."

"In da pot?"

"No Donkey the beach..YES THE DAMN POT!"

"Ok sheesh I'll tell ya."

I waited.

"It just tastes good."

I looked at him in disgust. The onion smell was disgusting.


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