Chapter 2: Running through Hell (Remastered)

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After exiting the apartment building you walked down the empty street of (Street Name) you dug into your right Pant pocket to find your (Music Player) and and then your left to find skull candy headphones.

You put them in and found your favourite song (song name) by (favourite band) and began walking. The cool chill night air made you shiver, as a cold wind blew, you put your hands in your pants pockets to keep them warm after all cold hands mean getting sick.

You came to a stop sign and looked both ways before crossing the street, you began to sing the lyrics to the song as you tried to imagine you were in another world, you may have grown up but once in a while it's nice to let your imagination run freely.

You began to dance to the beat unknown to you a semi truck driver was speeding down the road up ahead of you, you had your eyes closed as you danced to the music the semi driver seen you as he honked his horn for you to get out of the way but you didn't hear him.

It's only then when he switched to his brights did you stop and seen the semi come barreling toward you. Your eyes widen as time seemed to stop, everything went in slow motion the driver in a last ditch effort spun the wheel around as the semi tipped sideways you seen the opening between the truck and the container and thinking fast jumped between them.

But you weren't that lucky as your shoulder hit the corner of the trailer as a sickening crack rang through the air, once fully through you collapse on the ground and scream in pain your shoulder had dislocated itself. The semi driver got out and rushed to you your screaming stopped once you realized who it was

You: "Travis Grady"?

You say as he looked concerned

Travis: "Hey kid you alright"?

He then seen your shoulder

Travis: "Ah shit ok I'm gonna get you to a hospital"

He helps you up before taking you to his semi. Later arriving at the hospital they put your shoulder back into place but you had to wear a brace on it, they let you go after words.

Travis paid for the bill even though you told him it was ok you could pay for it but he insisted he did since it was his fault for not watching. He wouldn't take no for an answer so you decided to hell with it and thanked him, he left 15 minutes later after asking a bunch of questions on how you knew his name you told him you hitched a ride with him obviously you wouldn't tell the truth he'd think your insane.

You then are discharged from the hospital, you began to leave when out of nowhere a loud siren enveloped you you liked around and shook your head

You: "No no no no"

You then started running as the people around you disappeared and everything turned rusty and rotten. Everything was covered in blood you then heard someone whisper your name to your right you darted to the left down a hallway and that's when you seen them a nurse with no face or rather a slasher nurse.

She carried a large meat cleaver with her as she made her way towards you you turned around to be met with more slasher nurses along with the occasional dark nurse. You then seen an Axe from a fire hose and broke the glass with one punch, and grabbed the axe.

You then went after the single slasher nurse and chopped off her head you kicked her body down you weren't paying attention when a nurse with a needle jammed the rod into your injured arm you yelled in pain and swung you arm back to elbow her in the face what you did puzzled you your shoulder was acting like it was as good as new.

You flexed you shoulder and grinned before running. You made it outside the hospital when you seen Travis beating down an Armless Man he looked at you

Travis: "Kid what are you doing here"

you then rushed towards him

You: "Travis we have to get out of here now"

You ran as Travis followed you. That's when you heard a growl and you screamed.


And not a second later a Feral came running out of the darkness as it jumped to take you down you swung the axe with all your strength the blade embedded itself into the side of the Feral's head it made a whimpering sound like a regular dog and died except if there is one Feral it means that there's a whole entire pack.

You sprinted with Travis beside you, in all honesty you had no idea where your going, you ran into a bar that was full of the Swarm aka bugs they all flew at you so you and Travis did your best to keep them off you both at all costs you seen what these things can do and it's nasty.

You made it to another exit and Travis dodged a Feral about to pounce on him as he kicked it into the path of a street lamp pole. Your side felt as of it would explode any minute, that's when you seen the Missionary it screeched before jumping down a 13 story tall building and landing as if it was nothing it too began to chase you both.

Travis knocked a store rack down that was outside showing off bloodstained clothes to slow the beasts down it bought you both a little time but not much. The swarm just flew over the clothes rack and was hot on both of your tails, you then see your apartment in the distance Travis see's the door wide open as if waiting you both get in quickly and slam the door shut.

You both pant heavily as you and Travis look at each other before laughing a little.

Travis: "So the demon has come back from the dead again huh"?

You then say.

You: "Hey I never met her but I see her inside my dreams"

Travis then says

Travis: "Well she's back and she was obliviously after you for some reason"

he continues,

Travis: "The monsters didn't even look at me sure their was 1 or 2 but they were mostly after you".

You pant out of breath before letting out a long tired sigh.

You: "My fucking dream is coming true...well it's a nightmare now and a reality...".

Travis gives you a questioning look before it turns to one of concern he pauses thinking it over then says

Travis: "In your dream does everyone die"?

You froze as you have a gloomy look on your face. You look down still panting as was Travis finally after a little bit if waiting you say.

You: "Yeah you all try to protect me and get me out of Silent Hill since Alessa wants me to be her king and rule the world by killing or using the humans as toys to play with"

You then look to the side behind Travis when the light flickers and there stood Pyramid Head. She had her giant sword raised above her head.

You: "LOOK OUT"!!

You shove him down as you duck from the giant sword about to cut you both in half. Just then Nurses and three other Pyramid Heads grab you and Travis you then try to break free as did Travis but the Nurses stuck a needle into your neck and did the same to Travis before you blacked out.

Hello my Susanoo army I hope you enjoyed this horrific book so far I know I do. Anywho you know the drill this is Susanoo and that's a rap.

Word count 1321

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