Chapter 4: Blood and Gore (Remastered)

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You walked through the darkness for a long while until you came up to a building that was obviously the start of the town there were whispers in the darkness a lot of them surrounded you seemingly never stopping.

You paid no mind to them at all since whispers don't scare you at all, Although the darkness was menacing you remained calm and continued on. You had no idea where you were heading until you came up to the towns map.

You broke the glass and grabbed the map taking a look at it the biggest building was the hospital you then decided to head over there. You walked to the hospital that was named Alchemia Hospital it read on the arch over the door.

You: "Well must be safer indoors than out here"

You say to yourself out loud. You walk up the steps to see the doors are barricaded shut from the outdoors with five pieces of 2X4's going across the door, the wood looked old and rotten so you decided to just pull the wood off.

You grab ahold of the wood and pull but the second you pull you get a large sliver in your finger

You: "AH FUCK"!!

You shout out in pain you slowly remove the wood

You: "Jesus Christ"

You say this was no small Sliver it was the size of your finger and that's when the pain kicked in you held your finger because the moment you removed the Sliver blood poured from the wound.

You then slightly look at the wound to see a large gaping hole in your finger the whispers chuckled at your stupidity.

Voices: "Foolish now your going to get it infected"

the voices whispered all at once. You then say under your breath

You: "And why do you care"?

The voices respond

Voices: "I'm like your guardian Im here to guide you to safety it's the orders of your queen after all".

You then sigh

Voices: "Great so you serve that ghoul huh"?

The voices chuckle

Voices: "Heh until my dying breath there's a first aid right at the entrance of the door Id hurry if I were you"

you then sigh before grabbing the wood and snapping it off all five pieces lay broken in half on the ground you pick up one that looked more sturdier than the others and grabbed it, it had a pointed end and the tip looked like a jagged spear.

You then open the door and walk in, the first thing you see on the ground was a pile of equipment it had a note on it, you picked it up and read the my future king and husband the others already found their items although it was a much more dangerous adventure I had my monsters gather specific supplies for you I love you - Alessa.

You then crumple up the note and look at the stuff a flashlight it had a hook for you to strap it to your waist of your pants. You then find 6 gun magazines 8 rounds each. You see a lighter and pick it up and put it in your pocket, you see a bag and you put the rest of the equipment in a Combat Knife the one they use in the military, the gun also a Desert Eagle Magnum 44, you have 3 med kit's and you use one that was by the door exactly as the voices said.

You then find a katana with the sheath, you then look at your belt and think of an idea, you then take your pants belt and strap it so it goes across from your (Dominate shoulder) to your (Recessive Shoulder) you then poke to holes in the katana a sheath and slip the belt in the holes before you made a makeshift sheath and strap.

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