Chapter 1

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Everything was quiet. A black hole swallowed time and space away to create a universe with no life nor humanity. I felt empty, exhausted and... utterly shocked. One moment my heart had been brimming with endless happiness and passion and the next, my heart has become a stranger to itself, myself him.

I didn't want to open my eyes.

I didn't have the energy to face my nightmare, a nightmare that didn't only exist inside my head but in reality, as well.

But my body has always been a traitor, it forcing me to open my eyelids and meet the sunlight that was shining through the open windows. A warm breeze of air filled the room, yet I felt like I was suffocating. My mouth was dry, throats was empty and bones were stiff. Weakly, my eyes traveled around the room, until I suddenly realized where I was lying.

The bed.

Our wedding bed.

A wave of nausea climbed like sharp claws up my throat and I rushed toward the bathroom and emptied my stomach.

How could he?

That...bastard. Fucking bastard.

How dare he place my body on the that disgusting bed, the same bed he fucked another woman on and spilled their joined cum on.

Angry tears blinded my vision, my fingers curled into fists. It felt like my chest has been ripped apart, shattering my soul and breaking the heart inside me. A hot mess of emotions suddenly exploded inside my quite place, suddenly it wasn't an empty universe. Hate, anger, pain and betrayal took over my body and I found myself breathing hard, all while angry teardrops slipped from the corners of my eyes. I couldn't think. I didn't want to think. I wanted answers. Questions stabbed my head with daggers, causing a headache to increase inside my mind. Brushing my hair out of my face, I mentally gathered myself together before I got up and stormed out of the bathroom, not bothering to clean my mouth after the vomit.

My steps were loud, heavy with agony, ruining the silence of the house. I searched for him like a crazy mad woman, opening every door only to see emptiness. It caused a flame to ignite wider through my veins. Just when I become impatient, I saw a figure sitting on the couch. Naked and ripped arms were lazily rested on the backrest of the couch, brushed back curls hang loosely down his neck. A cloud of smoke danced upon the air, creating a nasty smell of cigarette.

Elijah don't smoke.

A wave of confusion startled me, cold blood rushed through my system, awakening me to an emotion of...loss. An invisible part inside me had escaped, blown away into dust. It was like watching someone you love die right in front of you while being so helpless and...hopeless.

With mixed emotions, my feet carried me to him until I was standing in front of my husband. The word no longer had the same meaning as it had a few hours ago. I didn't know what I should call him anymore. I was looking into a familiar shell but with an unknown soul.

The clock ticked. The time carried on and yet we remained motionless, the only thing separating us was the coffee table between us and they heavy weight of unknown. As the silence became unbearable and tortures, I opened my mouth and asked the one question that could reveal the sick truth.

"Why, Elijah?" I asked, looking at him all while hearing my heart break with every second of silence coming from him.

He wasn't even looking at me. His hazel orbs were focused on something else, perhaps a vision of hatred and rage, especially from how roughly he exhaled out the grey and toxic smoke from his mouth. His cold behavior wasn't from shame or guilt of what he'd done to me but he rather held an annoyance and irritation. As if my presence was meaningless to him, something disgusting he couldn't bear to gaze upon on.

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