real life + insta

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Liv's POV 

"Hah, and remember that time you sat on my glasses?!" I confronted Shawn.

"Hey! They were on top of the couch! How was I supposed to know??" Shawn defended, tickling my sides. I laugh and swat him away. 

Right now we're at the studio, waiting for Jaime and Andrew to tell us the news. Right then, my phone started ringing. The caller ID was Jaime. "Hey, Shawnie? Jaime's face timing me."

"Answer, I guess," Shawn replied, furrowing his brows.

I accepted the facetime. "Hey, guys! Sorry, the security couldn't let us get out since one of the rooms in the building next to us caught on fire! They had to make sure we're okay." Jaime shouted, trying to block the siren noises.

I gasp. "Are you oka-"

"Well, anyways, your song got more than 50 million on Youtube! And the fans are going crazy, shipping you two." She interrupted. Shawn and I made eye contact and he was blushing slightly, but so was I. 

"Andrew and I think it would be great for publicity if you two went on a vacation somewhere!"

"Sorry, wha-" Shawn tried.

"And we're also going to hire some photographers to take pictures of you flirting and such. It doesn't matter if you two are just friends. If you want to be more successful with the song, this is a great idea and your follower counts will go up!"

"Wait, wait. Hold on. This is too much to handle! I have to go to the Endgame premiere on Saturday! It's Tuesday and I have a flight to catch on Thursday," I exclaim. I have to be there to support my dad and my friends.

"Oh, shit. That's great then! Can Shawn take you?" 

I look towards Shawn with a look that said 'you-don't-have-to-i-don't-wanna-cause-any-trouble'.

"Uh, yeah! Totally! I love Avengers and Marvel; It would be an honor," he agreed.

"Okay, then it's settled. You guys go as each others' date and just flirt. Pretend like you like each other but won't tell the other, you know?"

"I- uh. Sure..?" I looked at her weirdly.

"Now don't give me that pretty little face. You guys look perfect for each other! Oh- gotta go. Toodles!" Jaime ended the call.

"Okay... so we need tickets to fly to LA, right?" (A.N. sorry for any confusion. I know I said they live in LA, but now I changed my mind and can't find where I said that lol. Please pretend they live in NYC, thank you! <3) Shawn asked.

"Yeah, but since I planned this a long time ago, I already have my ticket," I answer, nodding.

"Okay, so maybe I'll just buy my own ticket the same time as yours?"

"Yeah, sure! I think there's an empty seat next to mine. I'll text you my seat and time later?"

"Yeah! Perfect! I can't wait!" Shawn gushes, his eyes wide. I just smile at him. Then he smiles at me. And it was very awkward. After about 30 seconds, I clear my throat. 

"Well, since Andrew and Jaime aren't coming, I better go," I say, packing up my things. 

Shawn stands up, helping me. "Oh, uh, yeah! Here-"

Time Skip to Thursday, the day of the plane ride

Liv's POV

Did I get all my stuff? I anxiously check my bag, making sure I have my phone, headphones, my notebook for songwriting, camera, etc. Okay, got all my stuff! 

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