real life + twitter + insta

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Liv's POV 

"Did you hear me, Liv?" Jaime asks during our little meeting. I wake up from my trance.

"Sorry, what?" I ask blankly. Shawn stifles a laugh and Jaime just sighs.

"I said, that it would be better for the public if you guys go on a date today or tomorrow. Also, E!News was informed that you'll be going on a date soon, so just pretend that you're in love or whatever you need to do, okay?"

I give her a confused look but nod. Andrew and Jaime say goodbye and leave, and I pack away my things. "So, a date, huh?" Shawn starts, smirking. I look up.

"Today, 7 PM. Don't be late." Shawn says before heading out the room. He leaves before I can say anything. My heart flutters a bit, but it's probably because I'm going to meet Zoë and Charlotte soon! Right? Nah, he doesn't even like me!

I get in my car and drive to my place jamming to the radio.

"I can't write one song..." the radio plays. I quickly open Snapchat and post a video of my radio and tag Shawn.

... "I'M IN TORONTO AND I GOT THIS VIEW," I sing along, bopping my head to the music. There's a red light and I can see someone staring at me. 

"Hey! OLIVIA DOWNEY!" I hear a teenager shout. I turn down the music and slide down the window. 

"Oh my fucking god! It is her!" I could hear one of the teenagers in the background whispering.

"Can we have a quick picture?"

"Sure!" I stick my head out the window, my song still blasting from the radio.

"Ahaha! That's your song!" the first teenager says while he snaps the picture. 

"Yeah!" I exclaim. "Bye!" I say.

"Bye! We love you!"

"Love you too!" I close the window and continue to sing along. The person on the other side of me who stared at me weirdly opened his window and asked, "You're famous?"

"I mean... my dad is more famous than me, haha," I replied jokingly. Your welcome, dad.

"Who's he?" 

"Robert Downey Jr.," I answer.

"Holy shi- Man! That's one cool dad!" he exclaims. "Can I have a video for my son? He loves you and your dad and he's 19. His name is Jake or Jacob."

"Alright," I agree as he takes out his phone. Oh gosh, how long is this traffic? "Hey, Jake! Love you so much and my dad, Robert Downey Jr., appreciates you!" I literally did not know what to say. Don't judge me, please.

I heard someone honking from behind me. Oh, shit. The green light. I drive off to Starbucks for my everyday order. Luckily, the line wasn't too long. 2 more minutes later, that cashier said "Next!" Oop, my turn! 

"Hi, can I please get a white mocha frappe with extra ice and no whipped cream and sugar?" No whipped cream?! I know, it sucks, but I have a diet I need to follow for my first photoshoot! Oh wait, I didn't mention that, did I? Well, tada. 

"Alright, name?"

"Oh, uh, Olivia,"

"That would be *insert price*," the cashier said. I handed her the money and sat at a small table, waiting for my name to be called. I look around and see a tall, blonde woman with a cap on. Hold on... she looks familiar. I've seen her before. Oh, wait! Is that Hailey Beiber? I should probably go say hi. 

But- she's Shawn's ex!


I mean- it would be awkward! She probably thinks you two are dating.

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