The devil in Person! Chapter 3

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I don't know what to write, so I'll just ask you for a few questions and I'll make an Q&A okay? The left is Hilde, the middle is Louise and the right is Gertrud.

Emiliá POV.

In the second break Zoé was very quiet and I wanted to know why.„ Osamu? Would you mind to come with me for a minute?", I asked him and he got up. Atsumu tried to talk to Zoé, But She talked as less as possible. We went inside and I asked:„ What's up with Zoé? She isn't that quite normally. Did anything happen to her?" I looked at him with a serious look and he seemed to think if he should tell me.„ Actually,...yes. Something happened earlier." He told me everything. Even the thing with the hug and that stuff. I sighed and calmly said:„ Thank you for being there for her so much. In fact, she often gets bullied at home. There are a lot of kids that make mean jokes about her and older kids even kick or punch her. I feel so bad for her sometimes." He was quiet for a few seconds and didn't say anything, but then he looked at me determined and said loudly: „If I need to I'll always protect her. Just tell me if she needs someone to protect her. I'll always be there. And I'll also take care of those other kids if needed." I laughed and whispered: „She'll have to tell you that she needs your help. I mean until Zoé told me a few weeks ago. Even I didn't notice and I'm her Sister." We went back to the other two and Zoé wasn't scared to talk anymore. It looked like Atsumu already knew what her problem was.„... So, if you need help with anything please tell me, okay?", he asked and she nodded. After the bell rang we went back to class. The whole time none of the boys made one step away from Zoé. Atsumu and I went back to our classroom.

Zoé POV.

Osamu and I sat down. The three witches were back again and looked at me like they wanted to kill me. I just tried to ignore them, until Mr Diero came. (English teacher)„Okay, class. Today we'll go outside to learn. You deserved it after you managed to handle the exams so well.", He said and I was highly confused. On our way outside Osamu said: „Almost everyone had an A+ in the exams." I nodded and answered: „Impressive. You were able to do that?" I smiled and he made a pouty face. I laughed and took his hand. He grinned and grabbed my hand tightly. The lesson went by pretty fast. In the second break, Osamu and Atsumu had to go to Volleyball practice. They asked if we wanted to go with them next time and we said yes. We went to the roof and Emiliá said:„ I'm going to the toilet okay? Stay here please." I nodded and she disappeared. After a few minutes, I saw Louise and her bitches.' Why me????', I asked myself. They started walking over to me. Louise stopped in front of me and her friends walked behind me.„ What do you want?", I asked. Hilde and Gertrud grabbed my shoulders and held me. I looked at Louise and she smiled.„ I will make regret you ever came here.", She said. She took something out of her pocket.'A  lighter!?!?' „Um... W-What are you with that?", I asked quietly. She laughed and whispered:„ What do you think I'm gonna do?" While she turned on the lighter. She held it in front of my face and said:„ I hope it hurts." I tried to get out of they're grip but it didn't work. "Excuse me? What are you doing?", A calm voice asked. Till now I had bad tears in my eyes." Kita-senpai. What are you doing here?", Louise asked. There was a boy. He had short white hair with black tips. He was wearing a sports uniform.'Maybe he's from the Volleyball team.', I thought. „ Let the girl go and put the lighter down.", He said more serious now. The girls let go and I ran over to him and hid behind him. „ If I happen to see something like that again I won't hesitate to tell a teacher." Louise and her friends nodded and ran away. „Are you okay?" He asked and gave me tissues. I nodded and wiped the tears away. „ Thank you.", I whispered. He put his hand on my shoulder. „Do you want to come with me?", He asked and I shook my head.„ I have to wait for my sister." He nodded and decided to wait until she was there. As Emiliá saw my tear-stained eyes she immediately asked what happened and... Kita told her. „ If I get those girls in my fingers. They wouldn't survive a minute. Man if Atsumu or Osamu would've been here.", She said quietly. Kita asked: „You know those two?" We both nodded.„ They're our friends. I'm in class with Osamu and she's in a class with Atsumu.", I told him.„ So you are the girls they've been talking about since a while. They're right. You two sure are beautiful." He smiled at us and we smiled back while I blushed.'He said I'm beautiful!', I thought. „ If you want you can come with me. I bet if I explained our coach won't have a problem with your presence." I looked at Emiliá and she nodded, so we went to the gym with Kita. Emiliá didn't want to move away from me. We entered the gym and already got questioning looks when Atsumu and Osamu saw us. I didn't look at them. They walked over to us and Kite talked to the Coach. „Hey. What are you doing here?", Osamu asked curiously. I walked over to the bench and ignored them, while Emiliá explained what had happened. Their aura went dark pretty fast. The whole practice I haven't talked one word to anyone.

~Timeskip till break ends~~

Osamu walked with me and Atsumu with Emiliá. I didn't say anything. I was to scared that anything weird would come out of my mouth. Suddenly Osamu took my hand without saying anything. I just let it happen.It was soothing that he held my hand that way.' He's perfect.', I thought.„ What are you thinking about?", He asked. „You.", It slipped out of my mouth.' Fuck.', I thought.

                                                                                                                                                                             -1095 words

What do you think will happen next?
How will he rect?
You'll see next time.Bye


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