16.3k plus depression

105 5 4

Yo my ppls. I'm mso so sorry for not writing for a while I just try and write more but due to my current mental state it's so hard. I feel so sorry for you cuz you wanna read so bad but I'm too dumb to write anything but seriously I'm trying m best.

I'll try my best to bring out a new chapter today or tomorrow so ya'll don't have to be too disappointed. Thanks to everyone who's still staying with me. I'm really thankful for the 16k. You're really amazing people. Please continue staying with me cuz it really means a lot to me. :) 

I'll talk to ya guys when I bring out the new chapter. Please do me the favour abd be a bit more patient. Love yall. Bye bye!

Why me?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant