Sleepover with more than 20 children. Chapter 5 Part (2/3)

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Here's a new part. Sorry for making you wait this long.


Zoé POV.

I closed my eyes. It Was warm and Osamu was very fluffy. (Just don't ask😂) None of us moved.„ Did anyone ever tell you how comfortable you are?", I asked quietly.„ No, but I'm happy you think so." I giggled and he starte crawling my Head. Suddenly the door shot open and Mia came in.„ Zoé! Sasha Has fallen down the stairs and Mommy and Emiliá aren't home.", she shouted crying. I immediately got up and said:„ Mia, sit down on my bed. Osamu, take care of her." I walked out of the door and heard Sasha crying. I went downstairs and picked him up.„Shh, it's fine now. Where does it hurt?", I asked. He tried to raise his arm, but he wasn't able to do it. He starte crying even more. I took out my Phone and called the ambulance. After 2-3 minutes Emiliá and Mom came back.„ What happened?", Mom asked after I had hung up.„Sasha has fallen down the stairs. Mia and some of the others are upstairs with Osamu. I called the ambulace, so they can take care of him. Mom took Sasha from my Arms and went outside. Emiliá looked at me and asked:„ Are you okay? You look sleepy." I nodded and answered:„ Yeah. I'm gonna go upstairs and lay down a bit." With that I went upstairs. When I opened my room door, I heard how Osamu said something.„ Well, and then she hugged me back. " I walked in.„ What are you telling them?", I asked.„ He was telling us about, how he saved you from the girls, who tried to hit you. They're evil. There's no reason to hit you.", Julia said and the others agreed. „These girls also tried to burn my face.", I said and the Kids gasped.„ Did you save her there too? ", Amy asked. He shook his head. „No, but my captain from my Volleyball team . He was looking for something and saw that they wanted to hurt her. I am feeling so bad for not being there. " Yoshi jumped up. "It's okay. You take good care of her and that's the most important thing.", he said. „ Why don't YOU tell them how you confessed to me? ", Osamu asked. I sighed.„ Fine. I'll Tell you. It Was pretty boring, though. So, I told him to meet me on the roof yesterday. The next day -so, today- he came. I was so nervous, that I just talked as fast as posible. In the end we were sitting on the roof cuddeling, till the end of the break." The boys looked like they wanted to vomit, while the girls smiled at me with glittering eyes.„ I want a boyfriend too!", Julia yelled, while Osamu and I laughed.„ I'm sorry, but I'm extremly tired. Is it okay if you go play with Emiliá and Atsumu a bit?" The children nodded and left. I sighed and Osamu pulled me onto the bed. I leaned back and closed my eyes. Soon after I fell asleep on his lap.

Emiliá POV.

I was still talking to Mom when Mia, Julia, Amy and Yoshi came to me. „Emiliá! Zoé is sleeping. Can We play with you and Atsumu? " Julia asked. I laughed and answered:„Sure, but I don't know if Atsumu is still awake. If not I'll have to wake him up. Would you mind waiting here?" The Kids sat down and I went to my room. I slowly opened the door and went inside quietly. As I looked at my bed, I saw Atsumu sleeping. I snuck up to him and starte to pat his head. „ Hey, Atsumu. You need to get up. The kids want to play with us.", I said. The only Sound that he made was:„ Mhm." 'So cute! I love him so much.', I thought. I slowly shook him and he opened his eyes. He carefully raised his head to look at me. He yawned and gave me a small smile. He slowly sat up and streched a bit. ,, Who wanted to play with us?", He asked. ,, A few of the kids. They were with Zoé and your brother, but they're sleeping now.", I told him. He nodded and got up. We went out of the room, to see if the kiddies were still there and suprisingly they were. Mia was the first one to notice us. She jumped up and yelled:,, Atsu-nii, Emi-nee! Can we go outside, please?" I looked at Atsumu and he just nodded.,, Hmpf.Atsu-nii.", he whispered with a small grin. We went outside and the kids ran around the garden. Suddenly Yoshi yelled:,, I have an Idea. Let's play a game were Emi-nee is the princess, Atsu-nii her knight and we're the little monsters that kidnapped her. Emi-nee, you'll have to sit in the slide. We'll be running around it and try to keep Atsu-nii away from it and Atsu-nii, you'll try to get to her and rescue her. Okay?" Everyone agreed( even Atsumu) and went to their places. I sat down in the slide and yelled:,, Oh no! I need to be rescued! My dear knight, save me, please." It wasn't hard to see that Atsumu kinda had his problems getting through the kids that were running around and keeping him away from me. Atsumu tripped pretty often and everytime I had to laugh very bad. After 20 - 25 minutes Atsumu was finally able to get to the slide. He picked me up in bridal style and got down from the slide.'Oh boy. This won't end good.', I thought while, clinging into his shoulders. All of us laughed.,, It looks like Emi-nee is a bride and Atsu-nii the groom!", Julia said, smiling widely. Atsumu put me down and Amy said:,, Emi-nee, you have to come with me!" It wasn't hard to see I was confused. Atsumu just showed me to go with her. She went upstairs and came back with a wedding dress.,, You have to put it on! Please?", she said while, making puppy dog eyes. I sighed and nodded. She gave me the dress and went outside. While I went inside the bathroom she ran outside.


Cliffhanger bitches! I'll finally upload this again. It was so hard to write. I hope it's kinda okay.

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