Yandere! Vampire! Todoroki Shoto

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She's been with him for so long, surely she knew better than trying to escape? Shoto hoped she at least planned where she was going to go after climbing out of the window, but knowing her she was probably terrified and just trying to get away.
'Poor Darling.'
Shoto made his way out of his cozy home, bi colored eyes scouring to find any sight of his love. She wasn't anywhere in sight, she must have gotten a bit farther this time.
"Lucky me, I like the chase."


She could hear him softly calling her through the forest and her heart was beating faster then ever before. She had gained his trust over three whole years, she wasn't sure what kind of punishment she would get if he got her this time. She didn't want to even think about it, it scared the daylights out of her. Shoto himself was terrifying. His bi colored eyes that glowed when he was especially angry, the way his fangs gleamed before he bit into her, just him in general. He was the scariest man she'd ever met and she knew for a fact that she never wanted to go back to him ever again. He wasn't violent, but he messed with people's heads. Made them believe things that weren't true. When (Y/n) caught on Shoto wasn't exactly worried.
"You're mine. You can't leave me, ever."
The only reason she chose to run now was because he was trying to turn her into what he was. She didn't want to rely on him for nourishment, it was just gross. He explained that she wasn't going to have to hurt people, just drink from him, but that seemed even worse to her. It was just plain disgusting. So she ran, never looking back.


He knew it wouldn't last long, was his thought as he carried his love to their shared bedroom. It wa stun chasing her down, but he had important work to do.
Cold fingers could be felt trailing down her neck as he sighed.
'Who knew my darling could be such a fighter?' He thought before diving down.

She was stuck.

Me, your darling author.

Various Anime Yandere One-shots.Where stories live. Discover now