P2 : C4

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The video went on for hours, I watched all of it. Digging deep into the questions, writing down the ones I thought were the most significant or those that seemed to change her outward emotions. She didn't have a flare up, or whatever, but I could see why she was exhausted. Stakar pushed hundreds of things on her almost all at one time; leaving her gasping for a chance to just breath.

By the time I finished that video Stakar hooked me up to watch a live feed of their current session. Gamora sat behind me, quietly taking down her own notes and whatnot.

My mind was too focused on the idea of triggering another one of those episodes where the old Vele pops out for a few moments. Last time it happened I didn't quite pay attention, but I've got this hunch that it'll reignite if she's put under a lot of stress. As smart as it was to initiate one of those, I just had to see her again. Even if it was just through video I wanted to reconnect somehow.

"Alright, Vele. Are you ready to get started?" Stakar chose to stand, more intimidating this time than before.

"I take it these questions are more serious?" She asked, appearing in frame to her usual stool, her back was pin straight, held up high by Thanos' ideals.

"They've always been serious, girl." Stakar held a pad of notes I'd written for him to ask her, whether or not he'd actually do so was out of my hands. "Shall we? Are you currently hiding scars on your skin?" There you go.


"I need proof." He folded his arms. Vele pushes the waist of her jumpsuit down and lifted her shirt to show him something on her stomach. Is it the same scar? "What are your abilities, in regards to powers?"

"I can do this." She dropped her shirt and pulled of the waist band as her skin melted through hundreds of colors. "And this." Her skin stopped changing, falling onto a pale yellow mustard, and her hands lit up and became swallowed by two extremely bright orbs of power.

"Before you lift that hand to hit me. I need you to know that I've already been through this outcome, and you're not going to like how it ends." Stakar faced her with such a calm demeanor that Vele didn't even move. Come on. Move, dammit.

Her hands finally relaxed and faded back, her skin settling on the familiar purple, her hair to match. Her head tilted to the side briefly before Stakar motioned his hands downward.

"What's happening?" Gamora stood up and leaned over my shoulder.

"I don't know." I said, anxiety clouded into my lungs and agitated my legs. I was frozen in worry.

"Vele, have a seat." Stakar aimed to grab her arm but Vele moved on her own, sitting on the stool; which was better than nothing at all. Stakar made a motion with his hand, signaling me to come down. I leaped from my chair and out the door, running down the hall as fast as I could with Gamora on my heels. I zipped around a corner and slid into the room. It took me only seconds to register that something was off. Stakar was hold a CB out in front of him, taking a picture of Vele from two more angles after.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking in without hesitation. "Everyone okay?"

Vele's eyes were clouded over, blankly staring ahead. "Take a look at this." Stakar pointed to her exposed arm. Her skin was back to that burgundy color, like before, with the exception of characters written in large format across it. Thanos was sending a message. I didn't have time to ask for permission, I wish I had, but I grabbed Vele's shirt and lifted it up over her back. There was more. Stakar took another picture.

Gamora stalked over, staying near the doorway. "Her legs," she pointed, "look there. Check." Stakar pushes up the pant leg and took more pictures. Whatever this was it wasn't happening out of Vele's knowing. I stepped around to see her face. The blank expression was haunting, almost sickening to watch.

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