Dream Diary

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I Started a dream diary in my notepad on my smartphone. Everytime I remember a dream after walking up I'll try to remember the scene and type it. It's kinda hard sometimes because you will became lazy or you don't want to open your eyes specially if the dream was not that exciting.

As I started doing this DIARY I became aware of the dreams I have and it is almost every day I can remember my dream. I did try some experiment like sleeping again after remembering it. Sometimes the dream continues but sometimes I can't remember but the feeling was there. Sometimes I can't dream after typing my 1st dream and trying to sleep again.

I'm interested on dream such as Lucid Dreaming after experiencing it once. I think there is some conditions for me to achieve it since my 1st and last so far Lucid Dream was when I feel so cold and my feet is numb after walking up. But the experience was kinda scary. I remember it was a dream and sleep paralysis then walking up inside a dream double dream indeed but I recall it's a dream and then I take over like I do some stuff like flying but and I set a goal like seeing my crush. Tho the excitement of seeing her wakes me.

REM sleep was super hard to access since we will wake up if we are to excited. That's why I'm practicing to control my emotion. Most of my easy access to REM Sleep is not going to C.R. before bed time or drinking full glass of water before bedtime. Since you want to pee you will access REM Sleep but the sad thing is most of you dreams is like you want to pee and if you pee on your dream you will probably pee on real life. In my case I never do such things and successfully pee on the right place, but sometimes I run just too.

I also recording the time I woke up the condition of my body when I woke up and the details of the dream and the flow of the story.
I also input things like possible triggers. Like if you remember someone on your dream you will think how and when did you interact in them and I prove some of my friends who appear on my dreams is when I Interact to them on social media. Or just seeing their names on some post or reaction.

I also remember some dreams that I'm not included, It's like I'm watching a movie or series from a big screen but not exactly I can see a TV or any screen. Some of this dream was so vivid and I can feel the emotion of some people I'm watching.

I did research some of the dream on youtube and how to access them. I think the one that most effective to me was when I convince myself that I will have a dream before going to sleep it's like chanting that you will have a dream and that's it you will remember your dream.

Also you need some good awareness for recognizing if your in a dream or not. But most of the time I Don't check it since I'm into the flow of the story of my dream.

I'm hoping to have a dream again. And it's ok if its bad or good. But most of my dream this past few days was good since I dont watch scary videos or looking for photos like that.

I also day dream before going to sleep and sometimes what you thing on your day dream appear into your dream and it will give you a nice experience that will be good to record on Dream Diary.

I'm kinda sleepy right now so see you in my dream.

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