The Bracelet

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A day later...

I woke up in my bed and saw that Winter wasn't in his, I also had a huge headache.
Winter was acting weird after Moon gave him a bracelet, like he was in love with her, was it enchanted?!
;flashback ends;
'Moon gave enchanted bracelet to Winter so he could fall in love with her!' he thought angrily. 'And the only animus who's here is...' "TURTLE!!"

(at the party)

[He looked over at Moon and said...] "I love you Moon" (Yes I know this is supposed to be Qinter BUT that will start soon). 'This is weird, I've never felt this way about Moon. But I don't care' I was too drunk to walk, both Moon and Kinkajou has to drag me to my dorm. Right before I fell asleep I felt Moon kiss me on the forehead.

Present time...

I heard footsteps and then Qibli ran into my room yelling "Why did you enchant that bracelet?!" He seemed both sad and angry, 'Does he like Moon?' "Well, Moon was in love with Winter but he didn't love her back. Why did you ask? Do you like Moon?" He looked at me with a face I cannot explain and said "No, I'm in love with Winter". I was stuck, should I betray Moon and help Qibli or say no and keep Moon happy..."Qibli, I'm going too..."

<. Moon.>

I overheard Qibil and Turtles conversation, [Qibli, I'm going to help you]. I was so mad I burst in screaming "HOW DARE YOU TURTLE!!" I flew out of his cave and went strait to Winter. "Oh hey babe" he said sleepily, its 10 am and he just woke up (literally me this morning, I woke up and 10 :p)  "Winter we need to leave JMA, someone is trying to steal you" "Winter isn't going anywhere" Qibli walked in and a knife flew right by and cut the bracelet of Winter's wrist.

(316 words)

Hesitations (Winter x Qibli Wings of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now