The Attempt

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(1/4 of a trigger warning 😐, like literally none, but still)
Moon asked me to follow her, she brought me into her dorm. Behind us I saw Winter following is but trying not to make it noticeable, when we walked in she tied me to the chair. "Moon are you okay?" She pulled out a silver knife from her pouch saying "You ruined my plans, now I'm going to ruin you!" and ran towards me. I saw the doors burst open and Winter slammed into Moon's side making her fall over. He untied the ropes, grabbed my hand and we ran to our dorm. I stood there catching my breath and realized Winter was still holding my hand, we stared at each-other for about 5 seconds. There was a knock on the door, Winter slightly opened checking to see if it was Moon and luckily is was just Sunny, "I saw you two running away and got worried. Is everything okay?" She said in her sweat voice. "No" Winter said, "Moon tried to kill Qibli"

I explained everything to Sunny, she told me she would talk to Moon. "Thx for saving me Winter" he said probably to break the silence, "And that's why I followed you, Moon seemed a bit...different so just in case, I followed and listened" he laughed a bit and yawned. "Tired?" I said with a grin, "Definitely" I laughed because it was four in the afternoon. "Well I'm taking a nap, Snowy." He's really good at nicknames. I decided to take a nap too and when I laid down I heard him whisper "The all mighty Icewing Prince is napping, never thought I'd see that" "Shut up" I said and shortly after i fell into a deep sleep and saw someone with half her face melted and scarred and her voice was quiet and creaky. "Hello Prince Winter, I'm Ex Queen Scarlet."

309 words
Well... this sucks

Hesitations (Winter x Qibli Wings of Fire)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя