To Cyllage City!

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So I am this story's writer, editer and publisher, hexlermino or hexlerminojames and before any of you go forward i want to say that this story has lgbt relationships between some of the main characters so if that makes you unhappy or uncomfortable then please turn away now and this story also has mildly mature themes include mild swearing, dark themes and/or gratuitous violence which may cause you or someone around you to feel uncomfortable, unhappy and/or depressed then i advise you to turn back now. however if you are fine with that then go ahead if you.



no one's POV

"well its been nice to see you again little brother, but its time for me to go now" said hishika while waving good bye to his little brother, ash and his two friends, Paul and Gary

"the feeling is mutual big brother, see you around" said ash replying to his older brother

"also I would recommend you catch a fletchinder or fletchling" said hishika advising his younger brother on what pokemon to catch

"well hishika, good bye for now" said ash saying good bye to his older brother

"good bye" replied hishika to ash while he was walking away to some place unknown

time skip 30 minutes

clemont and bonnie were walking to santalune city when clemont  bumped into ash and caused clemont to start to apologise profusely to ash and saying that he should have been paying attention to the road in front of him.

"I am so sorry for all of this, I should have been looking to the road in front of me, I am such an idiot for not paying attention I shou-" said clemont apologising to ash and his three friends, Pikachu, Paul and Gary, profusely before being cut off mid word

"trust me, you don't need to apologise after all me and my friends are fine with just a simple single sorry and nothing else, right guys?" said ash at first to clemont and bonnie, before turning to his friends and asking them a question to which they all said that they were fine with just a single sorry "see there fine with just a simple sorry so you don't have to lose your mind over it" said ash while calming clemont down

"o-ok, its just t-that I- I- I am so sorry for slowing you on your journey" said clemont shakily while blushing

"actually!, how about you and your little sister bonnie join us on our journey" said ash offering clemont and bonnie the ability to join them on their adventure freely

"yay I would love to!, come on brother lets join them on their adventure" said bonnie asking her older brother if he would like to join them on their adventure

"ok bonnie, well it looks like we will be joining you on your journey" said clemont, slightly embarrassed

"well come on, the more time we use just standing here doing nothing the longer it is until me and ash get to challenge the cyllage city gym" said Paul, clearly with impatience

"yeah lets go now" said Gary, with a voice laced with excitement

"ok then lets go then" said bonnie, also very excited

"yeah!" said ash and clemont, at the same time

over the next two weeks

over the two weeks our young adult and young teen adventurers did quite a few notable things

A. they met cassius, the maintainer of the kalos pokemon storage system and helped him with two team flare members who were trying to steal any rare or powerful pokemon currently residing in the pokemon storage system.

B. they went to Shabboneau Castle and got the pokeflute which none of them knew how to play and since there was a snorlax blocking most of route 7 they instead went through route 6 and arrived at parfum palace.

C. while going through route 6 ash caught a female espurr.

D. at parfum palace they helped the owner help find their furfrou and learned how to play the pokeflute.

E. they woke up the snorlax, which Paul caught and allowed them to traverse route 7 properly.

F. they went to the battle chateau and ash and Paul earned the rank of earl, clemont and Gary both earned the rank of viscount and bonnie earned the rank of viscountess and before leaving route 7 ash caught a fletchling which evolved into a fletchinder.

G. they went through connecting caves during which they found TM40 aerial ace which was taught to fletchinder and went through route 8, ambrette town and route 9 to glittering cave.

H. in glittering cave they found numerous team flare members trying to find fossils to revive and use in their schemes but stopped them before they found a single one.

I. while going through route 8 ash's espurr evolved into a meowstic and shortly there after they arrived in cyllage city.

In Cyllage City

"grant we are here to earn our gym badges!" shouted ash as he stepped into the gym

"hell yeah we are!" shouted Paul, agreeing with ash

"3v6 double format, or two 3v3 single format battles?" shouted grant, from on top of the climbing wall

"3v6 double format!" shouted ash, excited about the battle that was going to happen soon

"well climb up and lets battle!" shouted grant

so there is a reason why the gym battle isn't in this chapter

one I cant properly write a battle right now

two I want to get this out soon

three I want to build suspence

four I want more time to write the battle

so there are my reasons see you guys soon.

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